Is my motherboard fried? frying?

Btw, CC, this is just unfortunate, it is not connected to you building it yourself. If you bought it from Dell, the same thing might have happened.
Another question, how's your CPU cooling? Maybe the cooler lost contact, a bended spring or something, maybe just clogged with dust. Check that as well.
Antec=CWT made. I don't know who makes BFG PSUs. Lifetime warranty as per VGA?

yes lifetime warranty. (probably it's lifetime. lol)

other than some too short cables for the antec, the reviews are saying things like 'overbuilt'


Btw, CC, this is just unfortunate, it is not connected to you building it yourself. If you bought it from Dell, the same thing might have happened.

im beginning to get onboard with that idea, though, until recently, i would have bet on my fault. i don't know alot about all the wiring stuff.

but if it is the PSU, i do know i got baited and switched.


Another question, how's your CPU cooling? Maybe the cooler lost contact, a bended spring or something, maybe just clogged with dust. Check that as well.

well im not sure. although early this week i upped the coolermaster rheostat from 33% to 100%. and on a subsequent successful boot my case temp was alternating (1 second) between 19C and 20C. when before it was just steady on 20C then maybe 21C later. of course that's an ambient temp, but im hoping that upping the rheostat had minimal impact (temp was okey dokey at 33% power)
Alstrong said:
sounds like the motherboard is fried. :(

As for SLI, the dual PCI-E cables would indicate SLI readiness, but the best indicator would be the max current that the 12V rails can handle.

if it turns out to be mboard. my 'consolation' prize is, i'll go with the crossfire solution this time around and pick up an ATI xfire master card as well.
Cartoon Corpse said:
im beginning to get onboard with that idea, though, until recently, i would have bet on my fault. i don't know alot about all the wiring stuff.
Then again, it's only people who assemble the Dell ones. They can be new to it as well, have a bad day, or whatever. ;)
i boinked the CMOS. it worked! i booted! i selected default BIOS (what else would i do?) everything lept into play as usual! of course i haven't rebooted since. im debating having it for this weekend -v- proving your CMOS suggestion was correct.

what did that do? dexterity required was a touch beyond my skill, though i mangled my way through it.

i think i owe you.
Cartoon Corpse said:
i boinked the CMOS. it worked! i booted! i selected default BIOS (what else would i do?) everything lept into play as usual! of course i haven't rebooted since. im debating having it for this weekend -v- proving your CMOS suggestion was correct.

what did that do? dexterity required was a touch beyond my skill, though i mangled my way through it.

i think i owe you.

heh. COOL! now would be a good time to check for BIOS updates. I forget what motherboard you have, but for example I just flashed a recent ASUS and it couldn't have been easier.
Cartoon Corpse said:
i boinked the CMOS. it worked! i booted! i selected default BIOS (what else would i do?) everything lept into play as usual! of course i haven't rebooted since. im debating having it for this weekend -v- proving your CMOS suggestion was correct.
Are you still using the Thermaltake PSU? Depending on MB & BIOS, selecting "Load Defaults" will reset a default list of compatible options & save to NVRAM. You can then manually optimize for the performance/features you want. Rojakpot is a reasonable guide.

what did that do? dexterity required was a touch beyond my skill, though i mangled my way through it.
Deleted the CMOS/NVRAM settings. Chances are that a "glitch" corrupted it. I would be wary of flashing a new BIOS until your PSU is sorted. Also note some of the other suggestions esp the CPU/HS interface & distribution of power leads to your devices. The X1900XTX may be straining the PSU if each 12V line is limited to <18A & the PSU topology has it connected with another loaded line. That's why I like Fortron Epsilon series. You can draw the rated 12V output through a single line if you want. While you've got the motherboard in sight, note the condition of the capacitors & Vregs. If there's any evidence of domed tops, bulging, brown/grey discharge, you may have failing capacitors. I'd probably test the PSU & MB voltages under load with a multimeter to confirm.
Basically, it sets all the BIOS settings to default values, which are mostly very conservative or "safe". Now you'll just need to tweak it a bit. Also, +1 for the BIOS update, always a good thing to do regularly. Flashing will result in default settings again, so better do the tweaking afterwards.
rebooting failed. in fact never booted again after that CMOS thing.

i even tried 2 subsequent CMOS clearings to no avail.

so i swapped out the thermaltake 680W for an Antec 550W. (the BFG 650 wasn't in stock after all).

now it boots everytime to desktop, but i still have problems with it not recognizing my CD/DVD and my soundcards (audigy 2Z).


would a complete reinstall of windows, and drivers be a prudent step at this point?

took vacation day yesterday to work on it.

while i was at it, i bought some odds and ends (eg KVM switch) and got my old 1.4G P4 back in the game. well i still need a 2nd DVI-I to VGA adaptor.

so im in better shape, but not out of the woods yet.
oh well. it wasn't the power supply. the pc (over the course of 24 hours) degraded to the same state as with the old power supply.

so....i suppose that means motherboard?

if, it runs fine, once booted and luckily devices are recoverable, then reinstalling XP won't do me any good right?

at least i got around to buying a KVM switch so i can (at a key press) run either this pc (if it's running), or my old one (1.4G P4, 1G rdram, 9700pro).
it was my motherboard. (i had it replaced by professionals while i went to san fran last week). since they have the test equipment....$327 including a new $200 motherboard (same asus 8m 32sli deluxe).

now once i RMA the old board, i may rebuild my old rig (using the 550W antec i bought)...maybe a nice SLI rig with a couple of those dual nvidia cards. or one.
...$327 including a new $200 motherboard (same asus 8m 32sli deluxe).

now once i RMA the old board, i may rebuild my old rig (using the 550W antec i bought)...maybe a nice SLI rig with a couple of those dual nvidia cards. or one.

wow, man. don't forget us in your will!!! :love: :love: :love: ;)