Is it normal to whack over anime?

K.I.L.E.R said:
Should I stop doing that?

Well, I laugh at jokes told by real people.

I also laugh at jokes in comics and cartoons.

I also get turned on by real people (not realy same set that makes me laugh, at least not always).

Sooooo..... ;) :LOL:

Though I recommend moderation, or failing that, utmost secrecy.
The most important question is, what kind of anime do you whack over?
Cause it would be worrying if that was Dragonball.
K.I.L.E.R said:
london-boy said:
The most important question is, what kind of anime do you whack over?
Cause it would be worrying if that was Dragonball.

Sailormoon is my thing.

Oh my god i LOVED Sailoroon!!! The later series though... Errr anyway back to the issue...

I don't think u're whacking over ... the Sailors (the girls, whatever they call them) ... U're whacking cause they create a fantasy in your mind, and having fantasies is perfectly normal, so in a sense, it's kinda normal that you whack over Anime. Even if that's Sailormoon... Errr....

Of course, it would be more "normal" to whack over.... errr... real people, but hey, u're not normal yourself so that's ok.
"Battle programmer"?! :oops:

I knew anime's geeky, but hey, that title sounds like geekyness compressed to a density that verges on creating a geek-singularity of infinitely dense geekium, thus swallowing up the entire universe!

Only Samus Aran could save us then!
Guden Oden said:
"Battle programmer"?! :oops:

I knew anime's geeky, but hey, that title sounds like geekyness compressed to a density that verges on creating a geek-singularity of infinitely dense geekium, thus swallowing up the entire universe!

Only Samus Aran could save us then!
Battle Programmer Shirase is me fave anime show so far, it's a parody-ish of all anime focused around the life of the world's greatest underground programmer/hacker and his mis-adventures.

Some cool points; Shirase doesn't work for money, but if you offer him an old bit of computer hardware he'll do about anything for you, Shirase has a 12 year old niece who the constant running gag is people always walk in on him and her when they look like they're in a compromising position, and it's just funny as hell!

The only downside is there have only been 5 episodes made, I'm hoping it comes back some day with his later adventures.
london-boy said:
Sage said:
is it normal to whack with your cousins panties?

girl cousin?
boy cousin?
younger cousin? how young?
alive cousin?
clean panties?

Answer those then we'll tell u if it's normal ;)
You forgot the most important question, "Are they still wearing them?". :oops: