Is Elite Bastards pro-nVidia now?


OMG, I had the weirdest realization today....I think EB is more biased towards nVidia than ATi!

When in the hell did that happen, or am I imagining things?
digitalwanderer said:
OMG, I had the weirdest realization today....I think EB is more biased towards nVidia than ATi!

When in the hell did that happen, or am I imagining things?

Your starting to see this too. This started about 5 months ago with the SM3.0 argument.
{Sniping}Waste said:
Your starting to see this too. This started about 5 months ago with the SM3.0 argument.

Thanks, I thought I was going nuts. I hate it when I sense a trend and everyone else thinks I'm crazy.

I am NOT saying EB is really biased either way, but it seems the majority of the people there seem to be leaning more nVidia and less ATi.
Hanners may have changed the colour scheme to green to throw you off for a min. It's red now though.
Mordenkainen said:
Hanners may have changed the colour scheme to green to throw you off for a min. It's red now though.
Hanners is one of the most fair and impartial people I know, he's so neutral it ain't even funny. :)

I just meant it in a "general census of opinion" kind of way, I've been noticing it for the last half-year or so too but haven't mentioned it.
What I realy think is some EB members are realy trying hard to defend the NV4X card they spent a lot on.

What intill real SM3.0 game come out and see there 6800Ultras get 25FPS at 800X600. There have been some heavy SM3.0 test and the NV40 is just too slow to keep up. It can handle light SM3.0 shaders but not a game loaded with SM3.0 shaders. The same goes with HDR using FP blending(FP blending is not part of SM3.0). When HDR is used the NV40 take a huge frame drop and most will not like to use 800X600 or 1024X768 with HDR and no AA.
ATI has been slowly spending their stock of good will with enthusiasts over the last year. . . I'm not in the least surprised it is beginning to have an impact at places like EB. Then the G70 launch happened in a way everyone says they've wanted. . .minimum hype in lead-up and whamo! first-day availability. So NV has some positive momentum to help change the balance as well.

Otoh, if CrossFire shows up on time and is what ATI claims, and R520 is a nice part and available on/shortly after launch, the ATI bleeding will stop and the balance will move back a bit.
{Sniping}Waste said:
What I realy think is some EB members are realy trying hard to defend the NV4X card they spent a lot on.

I doubt that very much since purchasers of R420's didn't spend any less.
Yeah, but mainstream is where the volume is, and thus the volume of "I'm happy with my card, therefore my IHV rocks". Gone are the days when 9500/9600 ruled the roost. X800xl hasn't had the time to catch up, and is a bit higher in price (and therfore lower in volume --both kinds) anyway.
I don't know Elite Bastard's leanings, but I probably never will either. The reason is very simple, I read DigitalWanderer's constant pro-ATI/bash-Nvidia rants before it was established. Now I cannot visit that site without thinking it's just more of that.

Oh well, there are other sites out there. :D
wireframe said:
I don't know Elite Bastard's leanings, but I probably never will either. The reason is very simple, I read DigitalWanderer's constant pro-ATI/bash-Nvidia rants before it was established. Now I cannot visit that site without thinking it's just more of that.

Oh well, there are other sites out there. :D

Tut-tut. "Don't get mad; get even". ;)

Just, y'know, over there.
geo said:
ATI has been slowly spending their stock of good will with enthusiasts over the last year. . . I'm not in the least surprised it is beginning to have an impact at places like EB. Then the G70 launch happened in a way everyone says they've wanted. . .minimum hype in lead-up and whamo! first-day availability. So NV has some positive momentum to help change the balance as well.

Otoh, if CrossFire shows up on time and is what ATI claims, and R520 is a nice part and available on/shortly after launch, the ATI bleeding will stop and the balance will move back a bit.

People are very fickel, aren't they.
with my x800xt pe i haven't missed out on anything and i've had it a year now . Everything but doom 3 i've played with 6x fsaa and it all looks stunning .

So i don't see the big deal. The sm3.0 move hasn't happened. Hdr was laughable on the nv40 .

What good will did ati use up ? They had the fastest single card solution .

The real problem will be with r520
It'd be hard for the needle not to have swung back towards nV. They *have* been offering cards that are neck and neck with ATI in benchmarks and a full step up in terms of architecture (SM3, FP doo-dads) for, oh, the past year. And they've been pretty weakly contested in many price points for much of that year.

It'd take some pretty tinted glasses to ignore nVidia's superiority for much of the past year. Yeah, it's not comparable to NV30 vs. R300, but ATI's been sitting on R300 for an awfully long time. If nV could go from FX to GF6 in one step, surely fans could be forgiven for expecting ATI to have cobbled something together already? :p
Pete said:
It'd be hard for the needle not to have swung back towards nV. They *have* been offering cards that are neck and neck with ATI in benchmarks and a full step up in terms of architecture (SM3, FP doo-dads) for, oh, the past year. And they've been pretty weakly contested in many price points for much of that year.

It'd take some pretty tinted glasses to ignore nVidia's superiority for much of the past year. Yeah, it's not comparable to NV30 vs. R300, but ATI's been sitting on R300 for an awfully long time. If nV could go from FX to GF6 in one step, surely fans could be forgiven for expecting ATI to have cobbled something together already? :p

ATI has been consistently faster, it's just their late to market X800 and X800 XL that cost them. That and the hugely touted SM3 and SLi courtesy the nv PR machine. We all know there are only two games that make any use of SM3 and that is only for soft shadows. The other is HDR, also only three games. Both features of which tank performance.
jvd said:
What good will did ati use up ? They had the fastest single card solution .

Sure it was the fastest card, but it generally wasn't knock-out fast (and lost here and there in some important spots), and it didn't have SM3. Maybe SM3 wasn't all that wildly important, but it was essentially FREE on NV cards, in the sense that you got competitve performance AND you got SM3. Go back and read all those reviews of 5800U. In between laughing yourself silly, note that its worst faults weren't going to show up for a little bit until DX9 really took hold. Is it any wonder with that horrid lesson in front of them that folks might like to have SM3 as insurance when they got it "for free"? ATI was very loud that they went for performance in R420. . .and they didn't get the knockout that they'd told us they traded SM3 for.

ATI's "one step down" was too big --do you really think all those 6800GT buyers were hard-core nVidiots? [said the 6800GT owner, in horror]

6600, where the hoi polloi live, kicked ATI's butt for most of the year.

AGP availability, where most of the enthusiast upgrade market lived for most of the year (and still, actually) sucked not just once but multiple times. And Rialto, "the answer" to the original whoopsie was way late. [This one did hit me, actually. . .part of why I own a 6800GT]

A lot of folks who care about such things (not me, btw) might have considered SLI "bragging rights only", but that doesn't mean they enjoyed having their NV friends strutting around over it with originally no response from ATI. . .then a delayed one. And if you don't think CrossFire is later than ATI wanted, we'll have a separate conversation about it.

Quite a few people (not me, again) have been waiting for R520 since April --and now they are beginning to wonder if they'll even get it in September. And they wonder why, and what it might mean for either performance or availability. [This is an overreaction, from my pov, but "Welcome to the Community We All Call Home!"]

The availability issues are perceived to have been worse for ATI than NV --not that NV didn't have a mote in their own eye on the "Phantom Edition"-- but ATI's spread down into the midrange too, and that limited choices for a hell of a lot more people.

So, anyway, that's off the top of my head. . . and if anybody calls me an NV F@nboi for it, well they just don't get me. After all, you asked.
I agree geo, except for the SM3 bit that is. By the time shader heavy games come out that really make use of SM3 the 6 series will be too slow to run them. So having SM3 for future proofing is really a moot point unless you want to run at 800x600.
geo said:
So, anyway, that's off the top of my head. . . and if anybody calls me an NV F@nboi for it, well they just don't get me. After all, you asked.
I won't be calling you a fanboy, those are all valid points.