"Is Child Prodigy the Next Mozart?"

Who cares?

Mozart died a broken-down alcoholic before he was 40 as I recall and only achieved true greatness after his death, is that a destiny anyone wants to follow?

Let kids be kids, not "child prodigies". That boy should be out playing footsie with his friends, not writing symphonies. There's time for all that later in his life, he's only going to be a kid once. Best make use of the opportunity while he can.
The culture is totally different now than it was during Mozart's years, i have no idea how this kid will be leading his life, i mean just look at what happened to Charlotte Church. Or the Home Alone movies kid.
Guden Oden said:
Let kids be kids, not "child prodigies". That boy should be out playing footsie with his friends, not writing symphonies. There's time for all that later in his life, he's only going to be a kid once. Best make use of the opportunity while he can.
Amen! 8)
Guden Oden said:
Let kids be kids, not "child prodigies". That boy should be out playing footsie with his friends, not writing symphonies. There's time for all that later in his life, he's only going to be a kid once. Best make use of the opportunity while he can.
And what if the child actually enjoys doing this? Not everyone thinks kicking a lump of inflated leather about a muddy piece of grass is fun. The boy obviously likes what he does and feels that it is right for him - who are we to tell that he shouldn't be writing symphonies?
Neeyik said:
Guden Oden said:
Let kids be kids, not "child prodigies". That boy should be out playing footsie with his friends, not writing symphonies. There's time for all that later in his life, he's only going to be a kid once. Best make use of the opportunity while he can.
And what if the child actually enjoys doing this? Not everyone thinks kicking a lump of inflated leather about a muddy piece of grass is fun. The boy obviously likes what he does and feels that it is right for him - who are we to tell that he shouldn't be writing symphonies?

I agree, if he wrote 5 symphonies then it must mean he enjoys doing it, or else he just wouldn't do it.
Even if adults were behind him, "pushing him" to do this kind of stuff, a normal child who enjoys playing football still wouldn't do it.

If the kid wants to do this, good for him. That's why i limited my initial post to "god knows what will happen to him, hopefully he won't turn into the next Charlotte Church".
The problem with Charlotte Church is that she's not that talented (in a musical sense). She has, or rather had, a beautiful singing voice and her cute-girl-next-door-look help sell a fair few albums but other than that, there is nothing about her that would guarantee a lifetime of success in what is a bitter and fickle industry. Still, like she cares now anyway - couple of million in the bank...
Neeyik said:
The problem with Charlotte Church is that she's not that talented (in a musical sense). She has, or rather had, a beautiful singing voice and her cute-girl-next-door-look help sell a fair few albums but other than that, there is nothing about her that would guarantee a lifetime of success in what is a bitter and fickle industry. Still, like she cares now anyway - couple of million in the bank...

Couple? Make that at least 16.
Neeyik said:
Guden Oden said:
Let kids be kids, not "child prodigies". That boy should be out playing footsie with his friends, not writing symphonies. There's time for all that later in his life, he's only going to be a kid once. Best make use of the opportunity while he can.
And what if the child actually enjoys doing this? Not everyone thinks kicking a lump of inflated leather about a muddy piece of grass is fun. The boy obviously likes what he does and feels that it is right for him - who are we to tell that he shouldn't be writing symphonies?

Very well put.
Denying highly gifted children the possibilities to evolve their talents can be as bad as burning them out.
I don't think any kind of extreme is good, it's not a case of denying. The kid's only 12 however, and even though he's talented, he's NOT an adult. Too often parents of gifted kids forget that. Childhood isn't something kids do because they lack the skill to act like adults, they are kids because they need to be kids to develop properly. If treated like little adults, these kids tend to spend too much time with actual adults and thus not develop the close friendships that are so important in our early years.

If anyone needs a warning example of what happens when talented kids are pushed too hard, just look at Asia Carrera for instance.
Guden Oden said:
Mozart died a broken-down alcoholic before he was 40 as I recall and only achieved true greatness after his death, is that a destiny anyone wants to follow?

i wouldnt mind it
london-boy said:
So now you want to die a broken-down alcoholic?? :rolleyes: :devilish:

well the problem is getting there. that part would kida suck as id have to hurt a few people along the way. but the whole dieing a in a pitiful state only to be appreciated later i wouldnt mind.
london-boy said:
Eventually u'd be appreciated for having sex with 3 girls at the same time too. :devilish:

why am i even talking to you? you're not even my friend- you said so yourself.
london-boy said:
No one here is your friend, so why posting at all? ;)

actually, i was getting to that. you jumped the gun a bit. i wasnt quite ready to say goodbye but now since it's been made public..... bye.

i imagine ill still be reading, i dont think i could tear myself away from the 3d forums. but i shant be posting anymore.