Captain Chickenpants
WhiningKhan said:What's the state of DAB in Sweden? IIRC in Finland the DAB pilot tests were recently axed after >5 years of no progress in popular demand.
I admit I haven't even tried DAB receivers (since I haven't seen them anywhere, except in a technology fair in late 90's.), but I don't see any need for them. I only listen to radio in car, where the quality does not matter much because of the background noise. And since they apparently use low-bitrate MP2, the quality isn't exactly what I'd expect to be enjoyable anyway. Actually, in car use, a little analog noise in signal would not be nearly as annoying as chirping and clipping due to bit errors.
For what do you need RDS in a portable device (non-automobile installable) except for seeing the name of the channel? At least here, the channels pimp themselves with annoying jingles in every possible occasion. I'd rather not have to even think of what channel I'm listening, as long as I like what is currently being broadcast.
The bit rate depends where you live, here in the UK we do have a lower average bit-rate than most countries using DAB (we use 128kb mostly), however we seem to have a lot more channels. Whilst I wouldn't claim to be an audiophile I have a reasonable system (Denon amp, Mission speakers and a Videologic DAB radio) and I find 128kb perfectly acceptable. I don't beleive that DAB itself is limited to using MP2 (I could be wrong, but I beleive that other codecs have been used over the DAB network)
I think you are confusing RDS with the data that DAB supports, which is more flexible (song title, artist, phone numbers, weather etc).
Some of the functionality that is being added to DAB radios is pretty cool
(Not that I am pimping IMGTEC products you understand
This site seems to have some interesting info about quality although I suspect upping the bitrate is more difficult than the guy seems to think it is.