Interview with SCEI CTO (PSP, Cell)


(Japanese page)

Some interesting points :

Q : One of the important feature of Cell is high transparency over network environment. What is the progress of the OS to realize distributed processing? Is it based on existing distributed OS like Mach?

CTO : However we've almost done the distributed processing system, I cannot describe the detail. It is based on a certain existing system.

Q : Have software development framework for the Cell announced to developers?

CTO : Not yet. But we've setteled the basic policy and discussed with some vendors. Contrary to PS2, we will provide library with devoted support like PSP.

CTO : Since OS/Library manages distributed processing, software based on our framework will gain benefit of the distributed processing transparently.

p.s. this is my first post for B3D. :D

ysoya said:
However I'm not good at English, I'll try to contribute as much as possible.
No worries, I am sure you'll do fine and using your english maybe even help to improve it.
Back to the topic, have you seen this serie of interviews:

Ken Kutaragi: PS3 Route To Realization

Kutaragi Ken: "True character of PS3 & Cell" (September 1, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "The Semiconductor Strategy Of Sony" (September 2, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "PSX Concept aims at post VHS" (September 3, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "Relation Between Cell & PS3" (September 8, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "Cell Computing In RealTime Ops" (September 9, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "WAN Cell Computing" (September 12, 2003)

Have fun :)
ChryZ said:
No worries, I am sure you'll do fine and using your english maybe even help to improve it.
Back to the topic, have you seen this serie of interviews:

Ken Kutaragi: PS3 Route To Realization

Kutaragi Ken: "True character of PS3 & Cell" (September 1, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "The Semiconductor Strategy Of Sony" (September 2, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "PSX Concept aims at post VHS" (September 3, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "Relation Between Cell & PS3" (September 8, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "Cell Computing In RealTime Ops" (September 9, 2003)

Kutaragi Ken: "WAN Cell Computing" (September 12, 2003)

Have fun :)
Thanx for digest links.
BTW, I'd read almost every PC-watch articles since the page had begun. Oh, I'd read some patents of cell too. :)

passerby said:
Ah, so we now have another poster from Korea besides Faf. Faf's based there right?
I guess he may work for A??? E????????????.
I'm working for N???N, Korean online game company. Though our main target is PC platform, we have a few teams targeting for next genenration consoles. (oops, it's confidential.. ;) )

these are interesting




notice that Phase II with EE2 and GS2 as well as Phase III with EE3 and GS3 are still in Sony's plan. looks like I was right about EE3 and GS3 being Cell-based Broadband Engine and Visualizer.

look at the slides you posted, they are from 1999 and I think the plans for EE 2 + GS 2 and EE 3 + GS 3 were scrapped when the deal with IBM started becomiong concrete.

The plans might have re-started with the new Workstations based on CELL, but what we are talking about now is not what the original plan was calling for, it is maybe in spirit IMHO.
ack, yeah, they are dated 1999 Panajev. didn't see that.

yes I think what Sony-IBM-Toshiba are doing now is basicly in spirit what they planned on for Phase III.