Intel Xeon Phi

It's still using the old P54 core as its basis, so x87 will remain. The decision to move the vector ISA closer to AVX may mean full deprecation would take about as long it would for the mainline ISA (if/when that happens), if the two remain separate for more than 2-3 generations.

Knights corner has NOTHING to do with P54/original pentium.

Intel SCC was based on Pentium, but MIC/larrabee/knights corner/knights ferry is completely different thing.

Some people confused SCC with MIC and started posting that MIC/larrabee/knights is based pentium, and then this misinformation started circulating, but
1) Intel has never said that MIC is based on pentium
2) They have quite different architecture. For example:
A) MIC/larrabee/knights line has single scalar pipeline, pentium has two.
B) MIC has HypeThreading.
C) MIC has x86-64.

It's much closer to Atom than Pentium, but it's not Atom either.
Knights corner has NOTHING to do with P54/original pentium.

Intel SCC was based on Pentium, but MIC/larrabee/knights corner/knights ferry is completely different thing.

Some people confused SCC with MIC and started posting that MIC/larrabee/knights is based pentium, and then this misinformation started circulating, but
Some of those people were Intel stating Larrabee was derived from the original Pentium.
That was probably the starting point of that particular factoid.
And it does 4xSMT, doesn't it, for the affectionados; to stir up.
Makes sense for data stream processing.
They better put in an ARM core IMHO.
Neon64 is conceived that it is independent of the SIMD lane width...
Multi-Channel DRAM, but apart from official double-confirmation, it all points to HMC, yep.