Install 2 computers with same XP Home CD-key?

Guden Oden

Senior Member
What happens if I do that? :p

Yes, the key is legit. I have this rotten old PC running winme now, was thinking to get it XPd just for the sake of it.

Btw, can XP Home use the remote desktop functionality somehow with another XP Home box? (I only have one monitor.)
XP home edition can connect to other computers for remote desktoping but it can't be the host. That is one of the festures you pay extra for in XP Pro.
I don't think you can activate two different computers on 1 home licence key. I think this will end up "deactivating" both your computers and you will have to call microsoft to reset it.
Yeah, the whole point of activation is that you can't install a one user license on more than one machine. It's not possible - at least, not legally.
I figured as much, but thought it was worth a shot to ask anyway. :)

Thanks for the replies guys.
carpediem said:
gokickrocks said:
dont know about xp home, but my xp pro license says its for 1-2 cpu

Yes, 1-2 CPUs as in Processors, not computers :)

but what if i only have 1 cpu in my computer? :D ...always wondered what would happen if i tried it on another computer (havent read the EULA since i have the oem win xp pro)
I know someone who tried upgrading two computers with the same XP home CD+ license. She said her second computer locked down completely. It would not boot except to ask for a license key. She couldn't even get her daughter's homework off the machine until she bought a second license key.

Of course she wasn't saavy enough to remove the dang homework HD into the first computer...
Actually she could have done that without a license. There is a button in the activation dialogue wich brings up IE and with that you can access you PC. I've done that when I changed my clock, needed my PC and Microsoft's servers had a breakdown o_O .

Also if you right click on a folder then and choose "explore" it brings up the task bar while starting explorer. But that disappears after a while though.
I think youguys might be wrong.

When I install XP pro (it was a legit copy yes) it said you could install it on two computers. Specifically it said "For example you can install it on your laptop and home computer" or some such thing, so I have never really been sure what the actual deal is. In any case you can always call the folks at MS and ask.

...Or not use autoupdate..

I have 2k on my machines now though b/c I wanted a change I suppose.
Sxotty said:
When I install XP pro (it was a legit copy yes) it said you could install it on two computers. Specifically it said "For example you can install it on your laptop and home computer" or some such thing, so I have never really been sure what the actual deal is. In any case you can always call the folks at MS and ask.

I am not sure about this. I know that the Office EULA contains such term (you can install one copy on your PC, another one on your portable computer, as long as you don't use both simultaneously). However, I am not sure about Windows XP. In the first sentence of the "Grant of Use" term in the EULA, quote:

Installation and use. You may install, use, access, display and run one copy of the Product on a single computer, such as a workstation, terminal or other device ("Workstation Computer").

For Office XP, the term read as:

You may install and use one copy of the Software Product on a single computer, device, workstation, terminal, or other digital electronic or analog device ("Device"). You may make a second copy of the Software Product and install it on a portable Device for the exclusive use of the person who is the primary user of the first copy of the Software Product.
i have xp pro installed on 3 computers with the same key.

They don't seem to care . No way in hell we were buying 8 copys for all the pcs in the house. Not at 300$ a pop (when it first came out)
jvd said:
i have xp pro installed on 3 computers with the same key.

And it is not an OEM version? OEM versions do not need activating and can be installed on multiple computers without a problem.

OEM versions are cheaper too, the only problem is that can not be used as an upgrade only a fresh install.
nope , i just call up and tell them i'm upgrading a motherboard or a virus took out my system. Just make sure your other pcs are not on the net .

I also tell them i upgrade often and they give me liike a 5 activation before i had to call them again
jvd said:
nope , i just call up and tell them i'm upgrading a motherboard or a virus took out my system. Just make sure your other pcs are not on the net .

I also tell them i upgrade often and they give me liike a 5 activation before i had to call them again

Since you're "cheating" anyway, why not just use a corporate version that don't need activation? :)