Infinium sues [H]

I'm not so sure about this turn of events.

Hardocp looks to be in the right, and has a reputable firm on its defense, which would logically indicate that they should eventually win.

However, since when was it required that courts had to make sense, especially with something as poorly defined as defamation?

It could be argued that Hardocp did damage Infinium's business, since the company's model seems centered around getting venture capital to make a stupid investment (and it's not like we haven't seen a bunch of that happening before with no consequence). Any story that showed this would damage their business.

Is it a sound argument? Not really, but it could be obfusciated enough to sound reasonable in court, especially if the court is not caught up on the latest information in the field.
Yet they have enough venture capital to lawyer up Kyle, rather than manufacture some damn samples? From what I've read, common sense is on Kyle's side. I'd be disappointed if the law isn't.
The funny thing is did you read that infinium dropped the suit and moved locations. Where is hard[O]cp based anyway? The suit in Texas was dropped and a new one in florida was placed, maybe infinium will just move it around the country until kyle runs out of money :)...
Sxotty said:
The suit in Texas was dropped and a new one in florida was placed, maybe infinium will just move it around the country until kyle runs out of money :)...
I got the impression they filed a counter-counter-suit in Texas to try and get Kyle's Texas counter-suit dismissed, then filed the real attack in Florida.
What I understood is they filed a suit in Texas, then Hardocp filed a brief to get a declaratory judgment so they wouldn't have to go to court over this bs, then infinium dropped the current suit so that the declaratory judgement would not go through, and moved a new suit to another state, but hey I don't know, I bet it says on HardOCP eh?
Here is a good quote
Furthermore you state that "According to this article they lived the high life on investors money and then left the incestors hanging for more thatn $15million dollars." In fact, the article that you reference as you source does NOT say they lived the high life on investors money - simply that they lived the high life

Man this is silly. And either way Kyle will loose b/c he doesn't have the money to fight all the bs they are going to throw at him, or b/c their lawyer will be willie enough to make it sound good :).
Sxotty said:
Here is a good quote
Furthermore you state that "According to this article they lived the high life on investors money and then left the incestors hanging for more thatn $15million dollars." In fact, the article that you reference as you source does NOT say they lived the high life on investors money - simply that they lived the high life

Man this is silly. And either way Kyle will loose b/c he doesn't have the money to fight all the bs they are going to throw at him, or b/c their lawyer will be willie enough to make it sound good :).

You somehow have the impression that Kyle is poor? I believe you are mistaken.
I must be in the minority, but after reading the original article, the letters to Kyle and now this latest court document I'm starting to think maybe Infinium Labs really has a case and should fight Kyle on it. Maybe it would make some of the geek sites stand up and listen that they should abide by standard journalistic rules and techniques when writing articles on their sites. However, realise I'm also coming from the side where I once worked for a print publication and we would never write some of the crap I've seen lately.

Tommy McClain
AzBat said:
I must be in the minority, but after reading the original article, the letters to Kyle and now this latest court document I'm starting to think maybe Infinium Labs really has a case and should fight Kyle on it. Maybe it would make some of the geek sites stand up and listen that they should abide by standard journalistic rules and techniques when writing articles on their sites. However, realise I'm also coming from the side where I once worked for a print publication and we would never write some of the crap I've seen lately.

Tommy McClain
Really? Well I wasn't going to bother reading the court documents, but your comments just intrigued me enough to as I just don't see how Infinium has a leg to stand on. :?
No way AzBat, no way. If Kyle gets himself even a half-way decent lawyer he should walk on this one easy.

The ONLY way he wouldn't is if the ditty in the papers about the owner of Infinium telling Kyle that the business adress he used in his article was wrong and he really did offer to show Kyle where the beta units were actually being made at...but since no one has ever seen a beta unit I'm kind of doubting it.
Personally I think if Infinium Labs calls their potential investors to the stands and they say that the reason why they walked away from investing in Infinium Labs was because of Kyle's article, then that should be enough. Remember we don't know nothing about those potential investors and what they had planned. Nor does Kyle. And that's the whole issue. His article caused potential investors and potential millions to walk away. Until Infinium Labs calls their witnesses I don't think we should automatically say that Kyle has it beat. I'm still going to keep up with the trial and whatever facts is brought up, but if I was currently on the jury I probably would side with Infinium Labs. But that could change by the end of it.

P.S. Call me Tommy. AzBat is just a username.

Tommy McClain
Whether or not [H]ard|OCP have caused $20 million worth of damage to Infinium Labs is not the important issue as I see it.

Infinium Labs is about to dig themselves a deep hole in the ground, which they may never be able to recover from. That $20 million is nothing compared to the damage this lawsuit is causing Infinium Labs in the enthusiast mindset.

Who in the entire market would buy anything coming from this company? I would definitely not touch them with a 10-foot infested pole. They just destroyed their own target group, great marketing on their part? I think not.

I see it as a lose-lose situation for Infinium Labs. Am I entirely wrong in thinking this ?
We've heard that case a lot, however could it not also be the case, if, indeed as they alledge, the the hole has already been dug for them? If they really did have investors lined up that have now gone that must have now put the development of the console well behind - their aim, so they state, was to have something more powerful than the current consoles and the loss of investors puts their development closer and closer to the next generation from the big three such that they will either be behind the times or have to scrap the original design and research another. It may be the case that Infinium feel they have nothing more to loose right now.

(Note, I'm not passing jusdgement on who I think is right or wrong here, just offering a potential contrary viewpoint).