Impact of hardware 3d sound acceleration in Source Engine

Guden Oden said:

I'm tired of your blind hate-type posts on certain topics (D3, Creative stuff etc). You're a maroon if you think Audigy2 is an "average" or even "below average" card. I'm not going to argue with a person that simply goes "wawawawa!" in the face of overwhelming reason because of his own prejudice and bias.

Listen, kid: you never ever brought anything against my link.

Besides this you showroomed your lack of knowledge on this subject many times - why do you bother yourself calling somebody else fanboy and posting "cream of the..." style slogans? :LOL:

Namely which one of your points?

So far you haven't made ANY point.

For the link: pretty funny test. :) Measuring without reference signal? :LOL:
Pretty lame...:)

I don't care what shit you spew in reply, it'll just be more of the silly anti-Creative fanboi crap you've barfed up so far in this thread.

Of course you don't care - how else you can close this discussion without looking like other than a silly boy? :D

Besides this ignorance often paired with confidence... ;)