Impact of hardware 3d sound acceleration in Source Engine

Guden Oden

Senior Member
Well, Counterstrike:Source anyway.

Cliquez ici!

It's obvious that Creative does have the superior sound solution at the moment, both from API support point of view (only them support EAX 4 HD - obviously, since it is proprietary), performance point of view and audio features. MIDI is like I've mentioned before, superior on Creative's hardware, large soundbank support that is non-existant on other brands and superior programmable DSP effects to boot!

Also, their hardware tends to be top-notch too. I haven't seen any other card with internal SPDIF and three analog audio inputs on top of that. And yes, I do use them all! :)
Re: Impact of hardware 3d sound acceleration in Source Engin

Guden Oden said:
I haven't seen any other card with internal SPDIF and three analog audio inputs on top of that. And yes, I do use them all! :)

Ahem... It's pretty old news, I think - BTW go to
Re: Impact of hardware 3d sound acceleration in Source Engin

Guden Oden said:
Well, Counterstrike:Source anyway.

Cliquez ici!

It's obvious that Creative does have the superior sound solution at the moment, both from API support point of view (only them support EAX 4 HD - obviously, since it is proprietary), performance point of view and audio features. MIDI is like I've mentioned before, superior on Creative's hardware, large soundbank support that is non-existant on other brands and superior programmable DSP effects to boot!

Jesus, I just checked the results... :LOL:


WTF are you hyping about here? 45.58 vs 44.14 fps??? :LOL:

Re: Impact of hardware 3d sound acceleration in Source Engin

T2k said:
Jesus, I just checked the results... :LOL:

WTF are you hyping about here? 45.58 vs 44.14 fps??? :LOL:

Yeah the framerate difference is nothing to write home about. But maybe there is higher quality sound to go along with the better performance - that would be worth something.
Re: Impact of hardware 3d sound acceleration in Source Engin

trinibwoy said:
T2k said:
Jesus, I just checked the results... :LOL:

WTF are you hyping about here? 45.58 vs 44.14 fps??? :LOL:

Yeah the framerate difference is nothing to write home about. But maybe there is higher quality sound to go along with the better performance - that would be worth something.

Hmm, according to the tester himself it was the high quality...

We used this CS: Source demo for testing. The game was tested with CS: Source's high-quality and "5 speaker" audio settings. Because my ancient SoundBlaster Live! only supports four-channel audio, it was tested with CS: Source's "4 speaker" audio setting. I've marked the Live!'s results with an asterisk to highlight this difference.

The test systems' Windows desktop was set at 1280x1024 in 32-bit color at a 75Hz screen refresh rate. Vertical refresh sync (vsync) was disabled for all tests.

SO honestly I hardly can imagine what else could be the news here other than Creative and all its blurbs about EAX etc doesn't mean shit - at least here, in this game - actually: cards with 3D acceleration technically produced the same fps (Creative, Hercules etc), cards without hw acc'ed positioning produced ~10% slower.
That's it. I'd rather call this embarrasment for Creative... :p :D
No soundstorm bench because there aren't any soundstorm mobos available for the CPU used in the test. :)

Your linked soundcard looks good (only other brand offering a diverse set of audio inputs!), but it doesn't say which audio chip it's based on, and it's not clear which of its features are in hardware or not. The ASIC looks much like the Envy24HT, which is fully software driven in 3D mode, and the "advanced NSP" or whatever marketroid label sounds much like a fancy name for a software driver too.

As for the small framerate delta, yes it's small, but it's there, AND the ZS kicks the pants off the Hercules card feature-wise. Also, you may want to note the guy ran the test with maxed-out graphics details and fairly high resolution, so that may have affected scores as well.

Besides, who knows how long Hercules will be around anyway, they've already junked their videocard biz I heard a while ago. The rest may follow soon. :devilish:
Guden Oden said:
No soundstorm bench because there aren't any soundstorm mobos available for the CPU used in the test. :)

Your linked soundcard looks good (only other brand offering a diverse set of audio inputs!), but it doesn't say which audio chip it's based on, and it's not clear which of its features are in hardware or not. The ASIC looks much like the Envy24HT, which is fully software driven in 3D mode, and the "advanced NSP" or whatever marketroid label sounds much like a fancy name for a software driver too.

Seems you aren't really familiar with Audiotrak... ;)
Audiotrak is the consumer brand name of Ego-Sys aka ESI Pro which is a mainstream pro-audio manufacturer (unlike Creative :p). (BTW they bought STAudio aka Hoontech approx. a year ago IIRC.)

Currently they offer a few things wich you can't find from anybody else on PC/consumer lineup - one of these unique stuff is my favourite: the DirecWire, which is a virtual patch panel, allows you to route ANY I/O to any OTHER I/O, even between APIs, absolutely free, by software, within the driver! :)

(It's a shame actually that OS X has its Core Audio, with same panel built-in... :()

Check out the real stuff here - it's really cool I think:

Here is an older but good review of the Prodigy 7.1:
T2k said:
Seems you aren't really familiar with Audiotrak... ;)

You're right, I have only the vaguest of memories of hearing about them before, but my original questions still stand. What does it say on that ASIC when you peel off the label they stuck on it? I'm much inclined to believe it's the VIA Envy24HT.

As for their routing driver abilities - cool, but I don't need it and I know none that do. :) I just want the highest gaming performance, good audio quality and good features, and the Audigy2 ZS delivers all of that.
Guden Oden said:
T2k said:
Seems you aren't really familiar with Audiotrak... ;)

You're right, I have only the vaguest of memories of hearing about them before, but my original questions still stand. What does it say on that ASIC when you peel off the label they stuck on it? I'm much inclined to believe it's the VIA Envy24HT.

As for their routing driver abilities - cool, but I don't need it and I know none that do. :) I just want the highest gaming performance, good audio quality and good features, and the Audigy2 ZS delivers all of that.

Before you start hyping again about this '"superior" product and all this bullshit Creative spreading around, first read this interesting piece of article, please:

As you can see Audigy 2 ZS is still somehow a 16-bit internal (EMU10K01 down/upsampling trick :rolleyes: IMO) processing card, even in case of digital path, unlike Envy24-based cards - Envys are true 24bit solutions.

Check the article - I guarantee you'll be pretty pissed off by Creative.
*cough* Sorry to burst your bubble T2, but I already knew the Emu chip is still 16-bit, but I don't worry about that, nor do I really care because I don't run my own home studio, and I never sample analog audio in either 16 or 24 bit. If I did, I would have a second semi-professional card installed in addition. ;) Audigy line is GAMER CARDS in my opinion, and for gaming Audigy2 ZS rules supreme.

Anyway, I believe the Audigy2 line can actually sample true 24-bit as long as you don't do any DSP work on the audio, but I'm not going to say for sure because I haven't investigated that myself as I have no use for it. Of course, no games have 24-bit source audio either, so like I said, I don't care. ;)
Guden Oden said:
*cough* Sorry to burst your bubble T2, but I already knew the Emu chip is still 16-bit,

You did? :oops: So why on Earth you're saying Audigy 2 ZS is the card where you
just want the highest gaming performance, good audio quality and good features, and the Audigy2 ZS delivers all of that.

- highest gaming performance: as we coudl se from your linked test it's nowhere more than a pretty old Hercules 7.1 card
- good quality: it's simply not true, it's not even average with its 16bit processing
- good features: as I pointed out it's already behind few names (ie Audiotrak) in terms of future.

but I don't worry about that, nor do I really care because I don't run my own home studio, and I never sample analog audio in either 16 or 24 bit. If I did, I would have a second semi-professional card installed in addition. ;) Audigy line is GAMER CARDS in my opinion, and for gaming Audigy2 ZS rules supreme.

So you're saying you never wanna watch DVD, ad absurdum never wanna listen DVD-Audio, right?

Anyway, I believe the Audigy2 line can actually sample true 24-bit as long as you don't do any DSP work on the audio,

Did you read the linked article? ;)

but I'm not going to say for sure because I haven't investigated that myself as I have no use for it. Of course, no games have 24-bit source audio either, so like I said, I don't care. ;)

But no games with EAX4 only either - so what's the point regarding Audigy 2 ZS? :p Nothing but marketing blurb and a fully average card with lower than average quality.

It's cool with your confrontational and extremely polarized writing style in the politics forum, but elsewhere it's getting rather tired. The ZS is not a "below average" soundcard, don't be an idiot.

It's got amongst the best s/n, noise floor, frequency response etc figures of any popular PC soundcard. Amongst the gaming crowd I doubt you'll find a single one that beats it. As for DVD Audio, couldn't care less. I don't know any store that sells 'em and even if I did I wouldn't buy 'em. I am pretty sure I wouldn't hear the difference between pure 24-bit and 24-bit interpolated to 16 anyway, and even if I do the difference will be minute and nothing I would lose any sleep over. Audigy2 ZS is still - despite your protestations - the best gaming card, and overall cream of the crop in PC consumer crowd of cards.

Now quit being such a fanboi, alright? Your yapping is as bad as Epics and it grates my ears! ;)
Guden Oden said:

It's cool with your confrontational and extremely polarized writing style in the politics forum, but elsewhere it's getting rather tired.

Since you did start this childish 'hype'-style topic about a Source-test where your hyped card actually produced technically zero extra against other cards, it's pretty vague to say I'm the only extremely polarized person here... :p :D

The ZS is not a "below average" soundcard, don't be an idiot.


Me idiot? Don't be a clueless @ss... :)

Let me write down again: AUDIGY 2 ZS IS A TOTALLY AVERAGE CARD WITH MUCH LOWER QUALITY than its sticker says,

Capisce? :p

It's got amongst the best s/n, noise floor, frequency response etc figures of any popular PC soundcard.

Let me spell you: this is B_U_L_L_S_H_I_T. It's simple: marketing BS. :)

Read the link I gave you above!

Amongst the gaming crowd I doubt you'll find a single one that beats it.

In terms of WHAT? For example in quality technically ANY real 24 bit card beats it easily - because it's only 16 bit, not 24 bit, despite the blurry marketing feed you did eat up fully.

As for DVD Audio, couldn't care less. I don't know any store that sells 'em and even if I did I wouldn't buy 'em. I am pretty sure I wouldn't hear the difference between pure 24-bit and 24-bit interpolated to 16 anyway, and even if I do the difference will be minute and nothing I would lose any sleep over.

So let me sum up: you're saying it's one of the best SNR, features etc but when I say it's simply not true at all, confirmed by the DL article, you're coming back you don't care, it's still the best card?
Am I right? :lol

Nice comeback. :LOL:

Audigy2 ZS is still - despite your protestations - the best gaming card, and overall cream of the crop in PC consumer crowd of cards.

Now quit being such a fanboi, alright? Your yapping is as bad as Epics and it grates my ears! ;)

... overall cream of the crop in PC consumer crowd of cards.

After these I don't have to comment who's the real fanboy here, I guess.... :LOL:

PS: And please, don't compare me to epic - he's a clueless *#$*#, period.

PS2: No offense here but I hate Creative since years: mediocre crap took over the market with its cheap cheatings. :devilish:
PS2: No offense here but I hate Creative since years: mediocre crap took over the market with its cheap cheatings.
we got that from the first post you posted in this thread. ALong with the heavly bias review you linked to .
jvd said:
PS2: No offense here but I hate Creative since years: mediocre crap took over the market with its cheap cheatings.
we got that from the first post you posted in this thread. ALong with the heavly bias review you linked to .

You mean Digit-Life? :oops:

You're probably joking...

PS: They put down a pretty well documented review - and you're saying it's biased? Disprove their measurements - if you can't it's really silly to call them biased, don't you think?
By reading the article from the first 3 pargraphs before they even start doing any test you can tel lthey have it out for creative.

Reading your first few sentences you have it out for creative.

Hell reading any of your posts in this topic and you have it out for them

They can be right and bias at the same time t2k .

I'm tired of your blind hate-type posts on certain topics (D3, Creative stuff etc). You're a maroon if you think Audigy2 is an "average" or even "below average" card. I'm not going to argue with a person that simply goes "wawawawa!" in the face of overwhelming reason because of his own prejudice and bias.,1558,1382724,00.asp

Think that proves my point pretty well... I don't care what shit you spew in reply, it'll just be more of the silly anti-Creative fanboi crap you've barfed up so far in this thread.

jvd said:
By reading the article from the first 3 pargraphs before they even start doing any test you can tel lthey have it out for creative.

Reading your first few sentences you have it out for creative.

Hell reading any of your posts in this topic and you have it out for them

They can be right and bias at the same time t2k .

So you actually didn't read the article but you're judging it?

Nice... :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: