
Honestly, whenever I travel to the office in bracknell (away from where I usually work in Leeds), I end up having to rely on everyone else for leaving the building and a lift to the hotel. I don't have access to the building on my card, and I'd have to get a taxi back to the hotel since I get the train here which "looks bad" when the big boss is in (which is why im here). So there is this psyche out of who can stay latest. So ive done everything I need to do and I'm essentially waiting for tommorrow.

Add to that the sense I need to be in the gym, and they want me in and out of the gym and showered and ready by 7:30 (its now 6pm and we havent even set off to the hotel to check in YET). Oh and the fact that I'm feeling really crap about this girl who's number I got then turned out to have a bf (second one to do that to me in two weeks)...

I'm sick of it, I'm sick of hoping for something better and I'm sick of my potential outweighing my achievements at this juncture. All the hope an expectation I use to motivate myself is just compounding my misery at the moment.

Had to vent...
sytaylor said:
I'm sick of my potential outweighing my achievements at this juncture.

I feel the exact same way. That's why I'm quitting working and going for an MBA.
sy.... if i started to vent it would take couple pages....
i am sick of so many things, but worst thing is that solution might be here (in 1-2 months), but until then i am so totally screwed that i am really thinking it isnt worth waiting and i get into really fucked up mood swings...daily....

and i'll stop here cause .....arghhhhh.... where is my beer?
Try not to be unkind to yourself. Most issues (frustration and so on) stem from within, just sit yourself down quietly and follow your thoughts, shake them down to the core, you might learn something about yourself which could help.

Mind you it'd be easier if you sucked it up and took the train. And don't take crap from anyone about it.
Oh baby i missed this thread completely!!! Like, you open one every 6 months and i don't post in it?!!

Look, f**k BT, they'll either wake up soon or they'll lose you. Either way, you win. Eventually.
Saem said:
Try not to be unkind to yourself. Most issues (frustration and so on) stem from within, just sit yourself down quietly and follow your thoughts, shake them down to the core, you might learn something about yourself which could help.

Yup. Besides finding out what the exact sources of your frustration are and working on removing them, you have to put up with the stuff you can't influence/change, that's the actual key to more happiness.

Accept the fact that life sucks >90% of the time this way or the other and you'll be much more relaxed...
dude... i say this in all seriousness... are you jacking off at least once a day? jack off as soon as you get horny, dont hold any of if in.

yes, i am completely serious.
Sage said:
dude... i say this in all seriousness... are you jacking off at least once a day? jack off as soon as you get horny, dont hold any of if in.

yes, i am completely serious.

I find the opposite works better actually, abstained for a week and I feel way better. Plus I've really blossomed in the gym over the past couple of weeks. I'm also in a spot where I can really achieve something in the next week since my boss won't be around doing all the "pro-active stuff". Basically meaning I'll be organising meetings, and trying to change a whole team structure and planning structure on my own.

When the ball is in my hands I usually come up with the goods, I'm just sick of it not being there. When I posted a few days ago, its was the quadrouple whammy of being there late, not being able to see into next week, girls messing me around and being far from my friends that was bothering me. I'm gonna go grab a shower, and spend the evening with my friends, and make them all smile as much as possible. I'm in the mood for a good laugh and a jovial evening, a kickass day tomorrow and then the weekend.

The looming need for something drastic is being procrastinated yet again, something I'm terrible for, but I always meet my deadlines. (20k job by 18, Car by 19, by 21 I wanted a good body, I'd say I pretty much have that). I'm due eye surgery soon, which should help with the confidence some more, I'm heading to Miami on vacation in november... so. I'm glad I vented, and you guys put me back into thinking forward mode (which I usually exist in). I'm feeling better already. If way too pale...
Sage said:
sytaylor said:
Ok but 21 now, £24k job which in dollah is $43k according to

:LOL: Good one.

You know, when i think about it, i'm actually earning a fair bit, compared to US wages... Shame everything here costs 100 times more so it kinda defies the purpose.
london-boy said:
:LOL: Good one.

You know, when i think about it, i'm actually earning a fair bit, compared to US wages... Shame everything here costs 100 times more so it kinda defies the purpose.

Exactly, thats the problem. That and being young means you get royaly screwed for even looking at a car, never mind buying, taxing and insuring one. Half my wage is spent before I've got my hands on it, and I don't have debt particularly (except the car loan of course which is £176/mo). Trying to live costs an insane amount of money, especially being a socialite. If I lived like a hermit and never saw my friends, maybe I'd have some more money... but then life would suck! lol
sytaylor said:
Exactly, thats the problem. That and being young means you get royaly screwed for even looking at a car, never mind buying, taxing and insuring one. Half my wage is spent before I've got my hands on it, and I don't have debt particularly (except the car loan of course which is £176/mo). Trying to live costs an insane amount of money, especially being a socialite. If I lived like a hermit and never saw my friends, maybe I'd have some more money... but then life would suck! lol

Well half my wage is gone too before i touch it, and that's the rent. The if you add bills and all the rest, there's not much left at the end of each month unless you get "help"...:devilish:
[size=-2]Dear Mister Language Person: I am curious about the expression, "Part of this complete breakfast". The way it comes up is, my 5-year-old will be watching TV cartoon shows in the morning, and they'll show a commercial for a children's compressed breakfast compound such as "Froot Loops" or "Lucky Charms", and they always show it sitting on a table next to some actual food such as eggs, and the announcer always says: "Part of this complete breakfast". Don't that really mean, "Adjacent to this complete breakfast", or "On the same table as this complete breakfast"? And couldn't they make essentially the same claim if, instead of Froot Loops, they put a can of shaving cream there, or a dead bat? Answer: Yes. -- Dave Barry, "Tips for Writer's" [/size]