I'm not Nom De Guerre or Ghost of D3D

Rys said:
I kissed Kirsty Allsopp in a bar in Cambridge once. Yep.
More importantly did you get a quick grope of anything? Oh and just for the record, I'm not Rys. Or Mufu, for that matter. And I'm definitely not Kofi Annan or, contrary to vicious rumours, I'm absolutely not Michelle Pfeiffer.
Neeyik said:
More importantly did you get a quick grope of anything? Oh and just for the record, I'm not Rys. Or Mufu, for that matter. And I'm definitely not Kofi Annan or, contrary to vicious rumours, I'm absolutely not Michelle Pfeiffer.
HA! I refuse to believe that you arent MP until i see some photographic evidence. (the naked type, and not of you!)
MuFu said:
Wow, I literally don't know what to say to that. Did you gazump her?
I'm not sure I know what a gazump is, nor do I wish to guess.

Kirsty and I don't know each other biblically, but I did what comes naturally to a man faced with such encounters and definitely copped a good grope of her arse. Is that gazumping?
Neeyik said:
More importantly did you get a quick grope of anything? Oh and just for the record, I'm not Rys. Or Mufu, for that matter. And I'm definitely not Kofi Annan or, contrary to vicious rumours, I'm absolutely not Michelle Pfeiffer.
I'm horny.
Rys said:
Kirsty and I don't know each other biblically, but I did what comes naturally to a man faced with such encounters and definitely copped a good grope of her arse. Is that gazumping?

It is if you beat someone else to it at the last minute by outbidding them. :LOL:
Rys said:
I'm not sure I know what a gazump is, nor do I wish to guess.

Kirsty and I don't know each other biblically, but I did what comes naturally to a man faced with such encounters and definitely copped a good grope of her arse. Is that gazumping?

Gazumping is when you offer to pay more for a property at the last minute and steal it away from the previously agreed buyer.

Statistically of course, if you groped Kirsty it would most likely be her arse as this makes up a particularly large proportion of her gropeable area, but that's not a bad thing in a woman. ;)

I did try and give you more rep for "Allsopp Worrying" , but I must spread it around more. Not sure about the DVDA in the sig though.
Natoma said:
For those of us not "in the know", what the heck is this all about?
Rev was posting here as Ghost of D3D, now he's posting as Nom De Guerre.

We're not sure exactly why or anything, but it's fun to watch. :)
It's not about that any more. It's about Ryszard being a conqueror of objectively ass-heavy, B-list property gurus.
MuFu said:
It's not about that any more. It's about Ryszard being a conqueror of objectively ass-heavy, B-list property gurus.
There's nothing wrong with a curvy and buxom woman. We need more of them on TV!

It's the sig that has me worrying about Rys' hobbies. :cool:

Edit: The cheeky bugger's changed it to namecheck me!
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Since this thread turned into something interestingly surrealist...

...Here's a dog in a Yoda suit


To stay on topic, somehow, let me precise that this dog is not Reverend. A certain number of PMs exchanged between this dog and Neeyik are said to prove that.

Now, remains two important questions, is this dog John Carmack and who is Reverend?
Vysez said:
To stay on topic, somehow, let me precise that this dog is not Reverend. A certain number of PMs exchanged between this dog and Neeyik are said to prove that.

What gave it away, the IP address or the writing style?
Vysez said:
...Here's a dog in a Yoda suit.

To stay on topic, somehow, let me precise that this dog is not Reverend. A certain number of PMs exchanged between this dog and Neeyik are said to prove that.

Now, remains two important questions, is this dog John Carmack and who is Reverend?
According to certain ultra-secret-and-ultra-old parchments found at Rennes Le Chateau, there existed a temple somewhere in Languedoc, France where one of its foundation pillars had an inscription that reads :

"I Am The Avid, Huge Alert Showoff" *

I couldn't locate that temple. However, after much research at the the Bibliotheque Nationale De France (incidentally, as I found out later, the same place the Priory of Sion documents were "discovered"), I came across a secret that, when revealed, could change the way all of us here think. This is the most opportune time to reveal it, I think, because as much as it is incredible to me, I cannot believe it :

A dog, named "Render Eve", had been picked as The Chosen Dog by The One. It seemed to be incredibly faithful to de Christo (according to a source that photographed -- with a Nikon, I may add -- the Nag Hammadi texts before it was released , almost definitely edited, to the public : "And It fetched the fruit and laid down it on return before It licked His balls") and curious as to why it was so, de Christo asked God, which told him while appearing under a shroud that came from what eventually was known as Turin : "And the Testament would not have it written, but it is so that It was created as Adam and Eve. Deep under The Dome of The Rock, as yet untainted, and only using a decoder The Order of The Temple created to create the very first cheques and travellers cheques, It will be known as The Dog, The Evil Incarnate, The Original Sinner."

After a dramatic pause, God continued : "It retrieved The Apple for Eve, jumping higher than any other of its kind can with The Frisbee, even in this twisted times, under no obligation of instructions and said unto Eve "The Architect says This Will keep Me Away"" and after that It just dissappeared directly into The Apple.

It was later revealed to me, under much provocation, that two things seemed to have evolved from the above : "Render Eve" became "Render EV"; and "Architect" became, for reasons that are still a mystery to me, "Doctor".

Further investigations by me resulted in a Holy Grail of sorts for me -- I managed to recover the encoder used by The Knights Templar (see above). Using the complicated thing that had many switches and gears (which I needed to oil, since it was so damned old), I accidentally deciphered something I didn't intend to : "Render EV" became "Reverend". Not directly decoded as such via the machine but I will spare you the time and time-consuming intricacies using the Templar decoder involved.

Suddenly it all made sense. Tracing further through the roots of my family at the very same Bibliotheque Nationale De France, I found out the horrific truth. There, after promising an extremely old man (he looked like he came from the sixteenth century because I counted exactly sixteen horizontal lines of creases on his face... Lord knows how many more I could've found if I told him to drop his pants and looked at his manhood) named Sonier that he would have the advertisement agreement of his life for his website (I promised him that I'd give him what both Anand Lal Shimpi and Kyle Bennett, both of which I found to be "Grand Masters" of a secret society called "Invalid User" **, had promised me i.e. they'd give 25% of their respective sites' ad revenues to me if I could tell them my discoveries, since they seemed to me to be related in some way to The Holy Dog), that old man led me to a creepy place within the place and showed me the manuscripts that changed my life.

The Secret, as it stands :

The Dog "Render EV" was originally a black human being, much like Adam and Eve, but had homosexual tendencies. This latter aspect -- his sexual preferences -- didn't agree with God, who proclaimed "Hey mutt, there's a reason I made that Adam and that Eve and why I had always told you from the beginning that You are to be Man's best friend".

During the course of my investigations, other aspects (including paganism, animal worship and the ancient Greek Gods that included resurrections way before Jesus) came into the picture. To cut a long story short :

"Render Eve" -- The Dog -- later known as "Render EV" which still later, through the fog of time and upheavals and due almost no doubt to the fact that The Vatican wanted a humanized version, became "Reverend". Remember this - "Reverend" as we know it/him today was originally The Holy Dog. Through subsequent bloodlines, inter-marriages and reincarnations (remember the Greek Gods I mentioned earlier?), "Reverend" The Dog became a call-sign, a pseudonym (some have even regarded Scooby Doo as It, although this would mean my having to investigate Scraggy as well). It is unfortunate (or maybe fortunate, depending on the way I personally look at it) that I have chosen "Nom De Guerre" for a username in this digital way that De Christo never imagined. As time progressed, and despite the furore The Vatican created, the public came to associate the most faithful companion Jesus had, the one everyone acknowledges as "Man's Best Friend", to be The Dog (much more than Mary of Magdalen, which brings up the subject of a book I'm attempting to write about The Holy Dog -- where has it been proven that the "disciple He loved more than others [...] that he kissed on the mouth", according to The Gospel of John, could not have been a Dog, right?... have you kissed, "on the mouth", more Marys than you have a dog?). Hence, through the evolution of mankind and history, "The Dog" became became what we now recognize as "JC", the initials of which surely cannot be any more distinctive.

Jesus De Christo. Jesus The Christ. Jesus Christ.

John Carmack.

* - "He was a Dog, ever faithful to Him"
** - "NVIDIA Rules"
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