i'm fed up..

It is summer time here (south of france). Hope it will not become more hot because tourists have hard time :)
anyting above Paris has shit wheather.
if it wasn't for my pregnant wife, i would have been in the hotel mentioned in my info
hey69 said:
if it wasn't for my pregnant wife, i would have been in the hotel mentioned in my info
Oh man, my congrats on the pregnancy but my sympathies to your wife...being pregnant SUCKS!!!!

Seriously, it's worse than anything I can think of. I felt soo bad for my wife both times, it just seemed like such an awful and icky experience!

It's raining here now and I'm HAPPY about it, I've been having too many days lately filled with entertaining me children and with nice weather I'm running all over...it's sort of nice to have a rainy-in-the-house day. (My house is kind of set-up for rainy-in-the-house-days. ;) )
dw try having testicular cancer. It sucks big time. My father had it. COuldn't pee , couldn't move . Just constant pain.
hey69 said:
thanx DW , yes pregnancy sucks :) i heard it enough already..
Dude, the only reason you're hearing it soo much is because it sucks so much....I feel for any lady who has to put up with that kind of shit just for the perpetuation of our species! (My wife was in labor with our first kid for 28 hours and I was with her the whole time, the whole seriously NOT fun time! :? )

I know it's rough on you and it's damned hard because no one cares about the hubby during this time (been there twice), but it's a lot rougher on her and you gotta be strong/patient/kind even though it is unfair as hell. (I know it's unfair, you know it's unfair; but that don't change the fact that it needs doing and you're the only guy for the job. ;) )

Hang tough, it does get better and kids are too much fun for me to even begin talking about. 8)
Paul said:
Oh JVD, you live in NJ too. Gorgeous weather lately huh? 8)
yea it was nice except for that 30 mins when it down poured for no reason and now the motor for my pool filter wont turn on.

That kinda sucks .

Deepak said:
hey69 said:
of the bad weather!


It is completely opposite here,


do you guys ever have winter at all? i think winter in india => summer in belgium :LOL:
Its raining here, rain god has finally smiled on us....hurrah...monsoon have arrived.

hey69, India is a coutry of extreme weather, you have places in northern India (Himalayas) where temp drops to -70C and in Rajasthan where it reaches to 51C and in Cherrapunji in eastern India which receives max rainfall (>1000 cm) in the world....

In New Delhi temp varies from 2C (winter) to 46C (summer). :)