I'm a moron and I need help


Retarded moron
I'm remaking this in 3D for my assignment because I started so late and because it's easy to make:

Please tell me that I can release my remake if it doesn't use any material from the game itself?
If I do use the material then I obviously cannot release it.

PS: Does anyone know where I can get pictures of cards? I want the cards to look really cool, like Tarrot cards.
I need textures. :/
Arcomage is awesome. Will you have an executable that you can publish? Now I'd play that.
I'd publish it but I need textures (models aren't hard as cards are rectangles). If I do use the game's textures, I guess I could release the game but then what of copyright?
Am I infringing on copyright if I release the game? It's not ane exact remake of course, I'm just borrowing the ideas and leaving some out for now.

Arcomage is awesome. Will you have an executable that you can publish? Now I'd play that.