IGN:Xbox 360 RPG Unveiling Coming?

drpepper said:
Does anyone remember the last time IGN hyped something up for the 360 last time? I wouldn't hold your breath on this one.

Well to be fair, IGN never claimed anything more than what ended up being reported. They never said it would be a big franchise, just that it would be surprising who was doing it and what it was. IMO, the news lived up to their billing of it.
Phil said:
Ditto; Even Final Fantasy, the most prominent JRPG series to be successful outside Japan has enjoyed higher sales in its own targeted region than outside it. A JRPG selling 500'000 would be probably less than 1.5 million worldwide. I'd have to question that "500k in japan could easily be 2 or 3 million worldwide." as well.

Ya I dunno, it really depends when it launches and the state of the 360's WW install base, right now the attach rate is very high and games coming out are getting star treatment as first iterations of true next gen games, like Ghost Recon and Oblivion for example.

If it's a big name JRPG franchise with high production values and it launches around the end of the year with 10million WW install base, I could see a couple million copies sold.
Btw, are there any JRPG's not made by S-E that would sell 500k copies in japan? What developers besides S-E have enough clout to sell that many copies of an RPG?
scooby_dooby said:
Btw, are there any JRPG's not made by S-E that would sell 500k copies in japan? What developers besides S-E have enough clout to sell that many copies of an RPG?

Monster hunter has done well recently (with around 500k so far on both ps2 and psp titles).

The junk filler Rpgs that S/E makes do a few hundred thousand usually (Grandia 3 did pretty well, iirc).

Suikoden series generally hits around 300-400k in JP, I think.

Tales of games does mildly well with a few hundred thousand (can't remember any specific numbers).

BoF games do similar to the Tales of stuff games, I think.

Can't think of any others offhand...

With that said, did it at all mention it would be exclusive? Why couldn't it be a multiplatform title (that was originally exclusive)? That would make more sense, really -- especially if its a ~500k worthy seller on PS2 (that is a lot to give up for a platform that it likely wouldn't sell more than 50k on in JP).

It'll be interesting to see what it turns out to be...
scooby_dooby said:
Btw, are there any JRPG's not made by S-E that would sell 500k copies in japan? What developers besides S-E have enough clout to sell that many copies of an RPG?

Aside from the ones already mentioned, perhaps the Xenosaga and Shadow Hearts series (both produced by ex-Square people).