IE 9 test drive

Interesting, thanks for posting! I didn't know IE9 was so far along that they were showing it off publically and even letting people download and install it...

I had a look through that site and couldn't find any info on it, but do you know what's the estimated release date?

I suppose MS won't release full HTML 5 support until IE9 either...?
Its very barebones , no adress bar , no favs or anything. But its blazing fast.

I'm guessing HTML 5 will wait till IE9. I think its supposed to come this fall as a full release.

IE Test Drive website said:
Wow! You’re already running IE9!! Thank you for testing our Internet Explorer Platform Preview demos.

Running on Opera. ;)
Running on Opera. ;)
Curious, someone else said that on another forum, but when I tested with Opera (10.50) I didn't notice such, and in the flying images or whatever the first "demo" was, clicking on "My browser" correctly filled the screen with Opera logos¨

Now the big question - would it be possible to somehow replace IE8 rendering & jscript engines with those of IE9 testdrive?, to get "full browser"?

Even more curious, in the flying images "demo", when running on IE9 and clicking My browser, I got Chrome icons
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So is this basically just a test of the rendering engine for IE 9?

I hope they keep the same UI interface of IE 8. That one is just about perfect. Although it'd be nice if they made turning scripting on and of at least as easy as enabling/disabling addons.

Curious, someone else said that on another forum, but when I tested with Opera (10.50) I didn't notice such, and in the flying images or whatever the first "demo" was, clicking on "My browser" correctly filled the screen with Opera logos¨

The erroneous message was using Opera 10.10. But now it's gone. :cry: They must have updated the front page's JS (btw, did anyone take a look at that one? It seems to be much more complex than it needs to be?)
where is the clutter in ie 8 ? I have an adress bar , a search box and a tab section. Doesn't seem cluttered at all.
Tongue in cheek but:

Minimal IE8 window:

Minimal Opera 10.5 window:

So you blocked out B3D's ad revenue efforts that help fund the site? cool.

Heh, I haven't specifically, no. But my Opera 10.5 beta snapshot I used for that screenshot is using my universal (and outdated) ad-blocking blacklist whereas my stable Opera 10.1 is using a more recent one with exceptions for websites I like to support (such as this one, heh). Will probably wait until Opera [strike]10.51[/strike] 10.52 is released before I upgrade my stable Opera and up-to-date blacklist. Speaking of which, that's one more thing Opera's Link should sync to the cloud.
I didn't know Chrome also uses the new sandboxing features of Windows 7 now. Good to know.