John Reynolds said:Too bad he's not alive. Anyone remember Frank Herbert's comments on the David Lynch version of Dune? I think the expression was piece of shit film.
Actually Herber fully endorsed and praised the film. I did my Serior Research paper in high school on him. XD I remember the scene where Baron Harkonen pulls the plug out of the guys heart from the movie gave me HORRIBLE nightmares after I saw it as a six year old. When I went back and watched it again while I was writing my paper, I hated it... however after watching the Sci Fi channel one, which was a lot more accurate to the book... I have to say that the David Lynch movie, while miles away from the content of the book, was closer to the heart of it than the super ficial resemblance of the Scifi channel version.
akira888 said:Sounds more similiar to "The Caves of Steel" than "I, Robot."
Agreed... except I felt sorry for the robot in that one, which was almost innocent. I think his name was R Sammy.