I recieved my maths text book just now


Retarded moron
The book is about the width of 3-4 of my other books.
This thing is a monster.

Guys, how should I study this book?
K.I.L.E.R said:
Guys, how should I study this book?

First, read the book from first page to last. When you're done with that, read it again, but this time from last page to first. Then, read it starting from the middle. After that you should be all good.
Humus said:
First, read the book from first page to last. When you're done with that, read it again, but this time from last page to first. Then, read it starting from the middle. After that you should be all good.
You know I was about to say the same thing ;)
heck if I read all books like that i would have become a professor :)
maths? Is that some new language? Or is it a subset of mathematics? If so, what subject area... trig, calculus, D.E., linear algebra, other?
Advanced mathematical engineering 9th edition. Laplace transforms, taylor series, fourier transforms, etc...

Humus does that REALLY help?
Studying is overrated IMHO. I hated my 4 years at the university to get my BS in CS...BS indeed. Professors suck ass and more than often dont stick to their own grading scheme. There is no practical value in the supposed "education" one gets. It is just a piece of apper at the end of 4 years and 80k later that says look you can follow orders, read and write coherently and are ready to go into the brilliant awesome world of the work force (if you are lucky lucky lucky) and be a code monkey...sitting in a cubicle as in Office Space and watch the world go by.

Anyway had to get that rant out of me...but to study math..its simple...study the examples...try to read the material before class...if you cant figure it out ask questions in class since you will be more familiar with it since you have already taken a gander at the topic of discussion. Oh and dont forget to go to office hours and attend discussions. Very important the professor gets the idea that you are trying hard to grasp the material. Could have very positive effects on your grade actually. That is why it is always office hours where you will see all the pretty girls asking the professor questions...lol. My gf took advantage of that and boy did it work!!
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Maybe I got the wrong idea, but here in the US I always had the impression that the primary importance of undergraduate education was that it taught you how to learn by giving you both the foundations (in various subject areas) and methods with which to approach problems later. Graduate or professional education seems more beneficial in actually teaching you something directly applicable to a specific job (category).