I haven't changed my linen in 9 months


Retarded moron
I really can't be bothered.

It takes me 45 minutes at least to take it off and put a new one on.

Anyone else like that?
K.I.L.E.R said:
I really can't be bothered.

It takes me 45 minutes at least to take it off and put a new one on.

Anyone else like that?

Depending on what u do in there, my level of disgust might change from eww to *faints*
Kruno, we really don't need to know these details.

Besides, even if it DID take 45 minutes, surely you'd be able to spare that time during the period of NINE MONTHS?! Geez, I don't even want to think about all the things that will be living in your sheets after you sleeping in 'em for that long.
K.I.L.E.R said:
If it's really that bad, maybe I should change it now?

Yes! Run, don't walk, run from your keyboard and change it now. Every second you delay is a second longer!
K.I.L.E.R said:
I really can't be bothered.

It takes me 45 minutes at least to take it off and put a new one on.
One can only assume you estimate 45 minutes because the sheets now have the flexibility of a piece of 9mm plywood..... :oops:
What kind of mother do you have? Doesn't she change and wash your bedsheets if you are too lazy to do it yourself???
Or is even she afraid to touch them.
I just changed my linen.

My mum doesn't go into my room. She hasn't since I was 12.
The reason is that she went to tuck me in at night and found out I had no underwear on.

She never came into my room again. True story BTW.

I haven't vacummed my room in over a year. Should I?

BTW I found a tutorial on changing sheets:

This tutorial helped me place my dirty linen in in a plastic bag in my wardrobe.
I usually keep clothes in there for weeks, my frandma told me not to do that because I'm not a gypsy.
I'm sure you can find better uses for a vacuum cleaner than cleaning your room.

Edit: That's not a tutorial on changing sheets, that's a tutorial on folding them after laundry. That's of no help to you.
I used to be worse than Kruno, but now I change 'em every couple of days.

It ain't no big deal. Tear 'em off, toss 'em in the washer/dryer, put 'em back on.....I'd say it takes about 2-3 hours, but only about 20 minutes of actual "work". ;)
K.I.L.E.R said:
I haven't vacummed my room in over a year. Should I?
Read this link and let yourself decide that one but it starts with:
We live surrounded in filth. Sorry, but it's a fact. All humans shed about 5-10 grams of dead skin each week. About 80% of the material seen floating in a sunbeam is actually flakes of skin.

House dust mites are nearly universal in occurrence - a typical bed mattress may have contain anything from 100,000 to 10 million mites. Ten percent of the weight of a two year old pillow may be composed of dead mites and their droppings. Carpets and household upholstery also support high mite populations.
If this isn't some attention seeking attempt, then you should really go to a doctor and get your head checked. Not feeling bad about sleeping in you own filth, is really not normal at all.
Sleeping in a fresh bed is one of the great pleasures of life, you should really give yourself a chance to do that that more often.
K.I.L.E.R said:
I haven't vacummed my room in over a year. Should I?

Surely you make these posts purely for shock value, right? You don't ACTUALLY do all these things you say you do? Coz if that's really is the case I have to agree with Squeak; get your friggin head checked coz that's not normal.
Going past two weeks is disgusting. Either you don know how much you sweat just sleeping in there, or you dont care. Do a little research on the subject, and you will never go that long again. I cant sleep if its more than two weeks.
Theres probably a whole bug ecosystem in your room now :p .

Who knows...maybe this is how we where created...a teenager in higher dimension never cleaned his/her room......skip a few billion years...here we are :LOL:
K.I.L.E.R said:
My mum doesn't go into my room. She hasn't since I was 12.
The reason is that she went to tuck me in at night and found out I had no underwear on.

She never came into my room again.

this explains a lot, Kruno. you're probably in a very similar emotional situation as I am.
I thought it was funny too. :LOL:

Sage said:
K.I.L.E.R said:
My mum doesn't go into my room. She hasn't since I was 12.
The reason is that she went to tuck me in at night and found out I had no underwear on.

She never came into my room again.

this explains a lot, Kruno. you're probably in a very similar emotional situation as I am.
I change my sheets once every 2 weeks . I have 2 sets . So i take one off , put the other one on and then go wash the ones i took off .

I wash my pillow cases every week .,