Yeah I know, but I've been away for so long I need to prepare and firm up my tissues first or I'd just end up hurting myself. Also I don't want to end up where I did last time where I kept getting stronger and increasing weight until my joints started to screw with me. Then I ended up not being able to do anything; when I hurt my shoulder joints everything hurt; biceps exercises, chest, back... The lot. When I hurt my knees doing leg extensions I couldn't do cardio either, it was the pits.Too make progress you actually need to increase your workload.
So I lost all motivation and went totally out of shape.
Well, it doesn't HAVE to increase of course... It only has to increase if you wanna get friggin' huge. I don't think I have the desire OR the will for that. Some muscle is nice; beyond a certain point however you start looking freaky, and you either have to dress in sweatpants/shirts all the time or get tailor-made clothes because how do you fit arms that are like 100cm circumference through standard shirt and jacket sleeves?The easiest way to calculate it is total reps x weight / time taken to complete in minutes. This number has to increase slowly, this is your progress. If this doesn't increase you're either over training or lack of motivation.
Aw, that sucks. But you know what they say... That which does not kill us makes us...wiser?Well easy money I thought, but man the deep pain in my shoulder afterward wasn't worth the 20 bucks.
I don't doubt it. I think there's one or two sets of 60 kilo dumbbells at the city gym where I used to go in the past; the free weights room there's massively equipped with various size weights. Gotta be over a ton of iron in there, quite literally... There's some seriously pumped people who use that gym, so that explains it I guess. Anyway I wouldn't try to pick 'em up myself. I used to be able to do a few shoulder shrugs with a 50 kilo weight in each hand (prolly still can I suppose, as my neck's always been pretty strong), but bending my arm even the slightest was impossible. Was just too friggin heavy, lol.Those 60 kg dumbbells were requested for one arm rows and dumbbells presses, excercises that I don't like, anyway. They are freaking massive and cumbersome to handle.
I don't doubt that either! I just don't wanna wreck myself again. For me, I feel more comfortable if I can last the full 12 reps, or at least 10. But if I can get down below 90 kg bodyweight, I might try some chin-ups.A couple chin ups will give your arms more workout then 12 kg dumbbells curls.