I hate dieting!

ultimately the only way to be successful is to change your lifestyle habits such that you're eating less food than you previously did.
Yeah, this is what I'm doing now. I'm not organized enough to follow any particular regimen anyway. I would tire too quickly. It's easier (for me) to just eat varied, balanced food but less of it, staying away from candy (snickers bars used to be my personal nemesis...) and ignore all the alarmist crap you hear in pop media/internet about food.

To those who use various protein shakes and whatnot - what brand do you consider good? I've bought TwinLabs' Diet Fuel in the past, so when I started getting serious about paying more attention to what I put into my mouth, I tried it again. I don't use it every day right now, just on those days when I've had a long walk.

It claims to be high in soluble fibre on the label, but what it calls fibre is maltodextrin, which from what I understand isn't a dietary fibre at all but rather a form of sugar which is absorbed by the intestines...and one distinguishing feature of ACTUAL fibres is our digestive system can't break them down, so I am a little sceptical right now about this product.

Any thoughts on this, anyone?

Also bought a bottle of fresh-squeezed Acai juice, due to it supposedly having beneficial properties (antioxidants and whatnot). Dunno if that's really true, but hey... At least it tastes damn good. :)
To those who use various protein shakes and whatnot - what brand do you consider good? I've bought TwinLabs' Diet Fuel in the past, so when I started getting serious about paying more attention to what I put into my mouth, I tried it again. I don't use it every day right now, just on those days when I've had a long walk.

It claims to be high in soluble fibre on the label, but what it calls fibre is maltodextrin, which from what I understand isn't a dietary fibre at all but rather a form of sugar which is absorbed by the intestines...and one distinguishing feature of ACTUAL fibres is our digestive system can't break them down, so I am a little sceptical right now about this product.

Any thoughts on this, anyone?

Isn't that Diet Fuel some sort of training booster? Probably a thermogenic supplement that can help burn some calories, but those aren't anything magical. As for protein powders, they are good for taking after training or supplement the protein from one or so meal a day. Not much difference with brands imo, other than taste and price somewhat.

I would suggest staying with products that contain "only" protein instead of some mass gainers or post workout powders, that are a bit cheaper, but contain like 50/50 protein/carbs. Those are expensive sugars.
I purchase my protein and fish oil capsules from UK and with large size order I'll get 1kg for little over 10e and it's almost 90 % protein, instead of 80%, which is quite typical for many powders.
I went with the Mazda3 4-door, iSport trim, manual transmission, silver body. Drive it off the lot Monday or Tuesday.

Sweet! Though a bit more pedestrian in looks than the hatchback. Should seem a tiny bit more exciting than that '82 Dodge Colt (Honda, whatever) you've been driving. Congrats.
Gah. I am tired! :)

Ten minutes warmup on a cross-trainer machine, then roughly an hour of various weights, followed by another 40 mins of cardio on the cross-trainer while wearing a pulse sensor strap around my chest is taking quite a bit out of me now, since I've been training for over a month now and I'm starting to see results. It was easier in the beginning, when I was so out of shape I just couldn't exert myself very much... :D

Actually, it's not a full month, I had to stay away for roughly a week due to a severe case of the sniffles (just severely runny nose and sneezyness, no fever or anything), and another week give or take was lost due to me pulling my lower back and suffering from lumbago. Ugh!

Anyway... I'm fitter, stronger now than I've been in years... Heh. I still have to be careful, due to my fragile knees, back and shoulders I've been using quite light weights for the upper body, and no leg or back exercises at all. The crosstrainer is still toning my legs quite nicely I must say. Now if ONLY they weren't so hairy, damn... :LOL: Also, my back feels a lot more durable too, but it'll probably never become totally good again (compressed disk between two of the lowest vertebrae).

The cross-trainer's a really nice machine, they use all Technogym stuff at the gym I go to and it suits me perfectly. I do 2x20 mins on the weight loss program back to back (keeping my heart rate down, never really goes over 135 or so), and I'm not in too much pain afterwards. Since my physique is getting better now I get some lactic acid build-up in my thighs early on, but hell... That's part of the fun isn't it? (That's what I tell myself anyway. ;)) I couldn't use an exercise bike or a treadmill, it would wreck my knees (or back) in about 5 minutes these days. No, no-impact training is where it's at, I'm afraid...

Tomorrow, I rest. I hope to be back at the gym on thursday. It takes me about an hour to get there, I live in the eastern end of town and the gym is clear on the opposite side. There are gyms in the same chain that are closer, but this particular place is quite large, open and airy. They have GREAT air-conditioning too, which is important while cardioing. One of the gyms in the center has had inferior AC at least in the past, and during summertime when the sun's shining and I was at my peak of physical fitness I literally sweated rivers while doing my cardio stuff (I used Rotex machines back then.) Crazy...
Good to hear Grall. You could also boost results with supplements. I got very good results beyond normal with the following supplements and ofcourse not all are required or at all for normal development but this is my current stack..

EAA, + Leucine aminos in powder format (tastes absolutely horrible but gains are to good to skip). Gives me nice boost and less muscle fatigue aswell as improved muscle development.

Creatine Monohydrate (powder). Additional small boost.

Animal Pump PWO (9 huge pills for each dose, :LOL: ). Amazing PWO which gives me great focus and pump at gym. Stim pill though makes me wanna climb walls with my finger nails after a 2 hour weight training session :LOL: .

ALA, find this good to balance my mood, energy and allows me to have better fat burning capabilities when deffing after bulking.

ZMA, zink and magnesium "overload", makes me sleep really deep though it provokes some really strange dreams when I remember them.

Previously I took Novedex XT which really upped my testo but made my libido crash after about 10 days use with moderate dose. It's an AI/"PCT" (legal). Good product but side effects are nasty (increased testo side effects and temporarly crashed libido).

Whey powder of decent quality and maltodextrine powder which is a bit more effective and better than dextrose.

I train quite hard and frequent and might put in some quality Tribulus with high levels of active component to restore my libido (feel a bit "smoked" right now).

Anwyay that is my "small" stack! :LOL:
I started doing the sports nutrition thing recently as well for the hell of it. Its pretty addicting, and now I find myself going to the gym 4 times a week and eating healthy.

I don't really have any goals, I am not doing this to lose or gain weight or to look pretty, or anything like that. However the bottomline is that you end up with a ton of energy, it improves my job performance and I sleep better.

After spending a few hours reading up on the science of nutrition, I can't help but feel like those guys have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Being a scientist, I can spot bs from a mile away, and its amusing reading twenty papers from acredited universities all giving completely contradictory statements.
The amount of conjecture is high, the use of statistics mangled, and the amount of experiments limited and not faithful.

Anyway, for lack of knowing what else to do, i'll just stick with the balanced micronutrient approach spread out over six meals.
All those supplements can't be healthy... :p

I eat...food. Just regular food, and sometimes a protein shake or a protein bar, drink tons of tea, and sometimes when I've worked out I take a dose of Acai juice for the antioxidants if I remember to, although I believe the stated benefits of that are pretty much bogus.

I don't think I need any supplements anyway as I'm not doing this to become a muscled hulk... My joints simply wouldn't allow that anyway even if I tried. When I was at my strongest around 2006, I could do at least 12 reps of bicep hammer curls with a 16-kilo dumbbell and about 6 reps with a 23-kilo weight. After fooling around with the 23-kilo weight a couple times I started experiencing shoulder pain so I had to stop... Meh.

I could also do 12 reps of deltoid pushups with a 12-kilo dumbbell, but that also gave me shoulder ache after a while. Now in comparison I've used a 5-kilo weight to not strain myself, recently stepped up to 6 kilos. I had a liiittle bit of ache today, but it wasn't a problem. I could still finish my exercise.

Can't do rotational moves with my arms - which I've been told is supposed to be good for troubled shoulders (and the posture), I can push straight up with my elbows out to the sides and arms at a 90 degree starting position, or pull up to 90 degrees from vertical. That's it... The latter move I find easier to do in a machine than with free weights though, I can sit comfortably and hold on to a pair of handles. :)
If you experience shoulder pain with dumbell curl, the weight is too heavy and your form suffered. But a little shoulder pain isn't so bad, as long as it's not deep inside your shoulder. That happened to me when I curled 60kg dumbells for several reps, it's quite troublesome pain, but it dissapeared after one week of rest. I couldn't train during that time. And never did the stupid thing anymore.

I still think if you do something like chin up or row you don't need to do dumbell curls.
Forget all those supplements unless you seriously want to become ripped and what not. And even then the supplements you should be taking are mainly protein.

If you feel your muscles are really sore the next day after a workout may I suggest eating a banana. I don't know the science behind it, or if it actually helps but I heard a while back that the potassium in bananas help absorb or minimize the lactic acid buildup in muscles. I've never bothered to research it, and it if is entirely psycho-samatic (spelling?) then it works for me. I ride bike 6 out of 7 days in the summer and do weight training 3 - 4 times a week, and eating a banana after the workout helps me a lot.

Exercise without nutrition is really not effective after noob gains and really important. I consume roughly 4,000 calories a day just to maintain my weight of 165 and I'm only 5' 8". I'm currently at 7% body fat and feel that I'm in the peak physical shape for the last few years. The reason my calorie intake is so high is because the amount of cardio I do and the amount of walking that gets done. My calves are freaking huge.
well said, eat what you need, from real food. including the needed calories.

yes, banana is the miracle food for that shortage moment where you need a quick fix. consider the alternative, such as chocolate bar or donut or.. yuck!
an orange is awesome as well.

even peanuts or potato chips when I need it, despite the loads of fat and salt (when cash strapped and not at home). because better to eat than not in that situation, and better to find the needed calories here than in processed food stuffed with sugars. plus you share it with buddies. I believe it's great in the right context. (funnily the cheapest stuff is void of nasty additives)

I'm not writing anything particularly original for sure :)

my advice to anyone having troubles would be :

if it's pleasant and fills a real body need go for it!
if it isn't both, then try something else.

My cousin does the atkins diet also and it works for him. Unfortunately he REALLY likes sushi and rice. So after a few months he'll start craving rice, and then in a matter of weeks will undo all the weight loss he had.

so he should have eaten rice :), it's ultra healthy and he could have been satisfied with a smallish portion. it looks like it's all about the way of eating it.
sure, I remember pellets of rice surrounded by thin salmon or algae and the like. you eat half a dozen, then half a dozen more, then two dozens, then a while later you come back and finish what little is left :LOL:
and that was the first and only time I faced simple homemade sushis.
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If you experience shoulder pain with dumbell curl, the weight is too heavy and your form suffered.
Yeah, if I use too heavy a weight it hurts, sure. But back then I'd been at 12kg for quite a while and the pain only came after a while. It's my joints that just aren't very good unfortunately. :p This time I will be more careful though, as my motivation is injured even more easily than my joints... "Rome wasn't built in a day" is my new adage. :LOL:

I couldn't train during that time. And never did the stupid thing anymore.
Heh, what's your regular load then if 60 was (way) too much? I could get 2x60 kilos off the floor if I used my legs, I think... Lol.
...I guess the old view of computer users being weedy guys is just bullshit, heh.

I still think if you do something like chin up or row you don't need to do dumbell curls.
I'm too heavy right now for chin-ups...heh. I would only last a couple and it would feel pointless.
Lol no-one curls 60kg dumbels, atleast I can't imagine how retarded it would look. Well Ok maybe there are a handful of people in the world who could pull that of.

My weight is now 100kg down from 125kg during this year. I was 120kg at the end of april. I've been mostly maintaining my weight for the last month, while trying to get more motivation to push under 90kg.
I've been around there somewhere also, I'm not sure as I didn't weigh myself until I'd already lost some. I weigh about 97 (for roughly 181cm height) right now and it's been stable for the weeks I've been actively woking out rather than just watching my diet. I hope it's because I've actually been putting on a bit of muscle mass instead, heh...

Now that my fitness is improving the cross-runner training cardio I do will have greater effect, so from now on I'm hoping to see more reduction in weight. Back in high school I weighed about 82kg, but at that time I rode my bicycle every day and practiced some swim training too. In 2002 I had worked myself down from 105-110ish to about 78kg in about 6 months, but it was after that I lost all motivation and stopped exercising for a couple years. I resumed for a while around 2005-6, but then my joints began acting up so I lost motivation again.

Fingers crossed it will last longer this time. :p
I'm struggling with my training a bit at the moment. I also had a flu and some work related stress= not enough sleep... and all sort of BS :) I should drag my ass back to the gym. Well atleast I quit smoking cold turkey style on May 31st and haven't smoked a single cigarette after that. I need to watch my diet pretty carefully these days since I was diagnosed with that friggin gout. It's not just meat that you have to eat very carefully, but lot's of other stuff too. It's not a huge issue with 2000-2500 calorie diet, but if I go up to 4000 like Sonic is eating, then it's starting to be hard to keep the purine levels low. What a lame ass disease that is. I must have done some bad things in my previous lives for karma having the nerve of being that insulent on me :)
atleast I quit smoking cold turkey style on May 31st
Wow, good for you! Hehe.

I was diagnosed with that friggin gout.
Ouchies. Sorry to hear that mate. You suffering any right now?

What a lame ass disease that is.
Lol, that's certainly one way of putting it...! There sure is some seriously debilitating genetic disorders out there though, be happy you have a relatively mild condition. Having your muscles or bones atrophying on you or your skin falling off, or aging 10x faster than normal, or...well, I better stop I think. Ugh, is all I can say.

I sure hope we can come up with some viable way of gene therapy treatments for these types of diseases. If nothing else, we may have to resort to Gattaca-style cut-and-paste, so that at least our kiddies can be born healthy.

...Not that that doesn't have its own set of drawbacks... Hurm!
Ouchies. Sorry to hear that mate. You suffering any right now?

No not really once it was diagnosed, I changed my diet and haven't really fooled around with food after that. I had some quite severe pain in my right angle and left wrist, before I knew what was going on. Now if I eat a bit too much meat or some other high purine food my toes start to tingle weirdly, but it doesn't really hurt. I know that it can get pretty bad. I'll have think whether I wan't some meds for it, because my current diet is at times somewhat annoying.
Yeah, if I use too heavy a weight it hurts, sure. But back then I'd been at 12kg for quite a while and the pain only came after a while. It's my joints that just aren't very good unfortunately. :p This time I will be more careful though, as my motivation is injured even more easily than my joints... "Rome wasn't built in a day" is my new adage. :LOL:

Yeah, build slowly. I just don't like using dumbbells. I think dumbbell curls are just a waste of time. It's so easy to get bad form with it. It's very easy to overstretch by using dumbbells. Too make progress you actually need to increase your workload. The easiest way to calculate it is total reps x weight / time taken to complete in minutes. This number has to increase slowly, this is your progress. If this doesn't increase you're either over training or lack of motivation.

Heh, what's your regular load then if 60 was (way) too much? I could get 2x60 kilos off the floor if I used my legs, I think... Lol.
...I guess the old view of computer users being weedy guys is just bullshit, heh.

Well I don't used dumbbells because I just don't get the result with them. After trying various routines, at the end, my exercises were typically consist of bench press, dead lifts, squats, rows, chin-ups and standing shoulder press, and I did typical abs and calves workout daily. I don't do them all exercises together. Bench press and rows one day, and just standing shoulder press another, squats and chin-ups on another day.

I was doing 150 kg standing shoulder press, which I typically picked up and curled off the floor into the ready shoulder press position. A friend put $20 on the table for me to curl several reps with the 'new' 60 kg dumbbells. Well easy money I thought, but man the deep pain in my shoulder afterward wasn't worth the 20 bucks. Those 60 kg dumbbells were requested for one arm rows and dumbbells presses, excercises that I don't like, anyway. They are freaking massive and cumbersome to handle.

Ohh another tip for sore muscle, is to take cold showers straight after workout, you don't have to go cold straight away, just go colder as the showers goes. Sore muscle actually swells so the cold will help the swelling goes down so you're less sore.

I'm too heavy right now for chin-ups...heh. I would only last a couple and it would feel pointless.

A couple is not pointless. Aimed for 10. Heck do a couple at a time. A couple chin ups will give your arms more workout then 12 kg dumbbells curls.
I was doing 150 kg standing shoulder press, which I typically picked up and curled off the floor into the ready shoulder press position. A friend put $20 on the table for me to curl several reps with the 'new' 60 kg dumbbells. Well easy money I thought, but man the deep pain in my shoulder afterward wasn't worth the 20 bucks. Those 60 kg dumbbells were requested for one arm rows and dumbbells presses, excercises that I don't like, anyway. They are freaking massive and cumbersome to handle.

Heh I quess I better shut up now. 150kg shoulder press is a pretty massive display of strenght. I'm still sure that those curls with 60kg weren't pretty :)