So this card is as worthless as a sack of potatoes when it comes to playing 3d games eh? :?
I realise it is when the software isn't optimised for this card, but what happens if D3 becomes optimised with this card in mind? I can see awe isnpiring performance.
according to the datasheet, 1.3GPixel/s per pipe - half as fast as a radeon 9700pro, though those 1.3GPixel/s are antialiased already (they probably have aa for free?). Since you can have 16 of these pipes, it should be quite fast
That is part of their new high end product range.
It looks like a 2 or 3 U box for a single "pipe".
The Onyx 3000 Can have up to 16 of these "pipes". 128 cpus. 1TB of system memory. 716GB/s of system i/o.
I guess if you can personally afford it you can call it what ever you'd like.