

Who gave these people the money to make this series?

It's like someone somewhere thought that Red Dwarf was great but they had too little money so lets do a new sci-fi comedy series with more money. Well, props are pretty good and cgi decent. But what's missing is humour (and acting). or maybe it's just because I'm not British so I just can't understand the humour of this series.
Mortimer said:
Who gave these people the money to make this series?

It's like someone somewhere thought that Red Dwarf was great but they had too little money so lets do a new sci-fi comedy series with more money. Well, props are pretty good and cgi decent. But what's missing is humour (and acting). or maybe it's just because I'm not British so I just can't understand the humour of this series.

Agreed. I watched one episode and that was more than enough. What surprised me was that one newspaper gave it a great write up yet absolutely canned "Supernova" which I thought was quite amusing.
It's OK, but there's a lot of British references in there that'll mean little to nothing to any other countries. Have to admit I was surprised at the amount of cash it looks like they chucked at it (compared to most sitcoms anyway). A second series doesn't beckon I would suggest.

The IT crowd is a better bet.
They obviously looked at the success of Dr. Who, and then ran around thinking "Red Dwarf - that was popular - lets do a comedy sci-fi series in a spaceship" and then got everything else wrong. Heck, they'd be better off just re-running Red Dwarf.
The first one I saw I quite liked, thought it had possibilities. The last one was just a waste of half an hour.

Then again, the IT crowd looked like it could be good, and they had a couple of real IT references on the wall (the FSM and the Code Camel), but the presenter didnt even know its name! Kept on calling it the "it crowd" rather than "I.T crowd" (If you know what I mean). The funny thing is the manager and the scottish guy are just like people Ive worked with in the past. The funny haired geek couldnt act to save his life though.
I hate it so much! Not even a single funny joke per episode. :(

Well, I don't hate it that much. I'm still watching it ;). But not even a single funny joke per episode! :(

Has anyone seen The Mighty Boosh? That has grown on me quite quickly, and seems completely underrated next to this rubbish. :)
I saw an interview with the writer (ex-Father Ted) and he said they had several rules with the IT Crowd, including "there must be no jokes only geeks will get", "there must be no jokes you can't tell children", etc. That explains why it's soft and fluffy compared to what it could be.
PenguinJim said:
Has anyone seen The Mighty Boosh? That has grown on me quite quickly, and seems completely underrated next to this rubbish. :)

Yeah. It's often hilarious if you're in the right "mood".
[Sarcastic comment about using Google (or even Wikipedia) here]

But it's a BBC show, low-budget, which is not at all on the 'stock churn-out a comedy' side of the BBC. It's not too straightforward, and is probably more random than Black Books, and you may not find it funny at all. For me, it feels like a few of my mates have gone up to the BBC and knocked out a decent comedy, so I'm probably a little more in tune with it than most. ;)

It's difficult to describe what it's about. One series is set in a zoo... but then, you can't really describe Black Books by saying it's set in a bookshop. Oh, you've seen Black Books, right? Series One, of course. ;)