How's the pay?


I was reading through the Jobs at ImgTech thread, and in particular SimonF's comments (doesn't that make you feel special?).

It was mentioned that quality candidates can be difficult to find, even for graduate positions. Does this lack of resource mean that remuneration is generally higher than standard than the rest of the IT industry? Are some players regarded to offer more attractive salaries and/or employment packages than others?

Not that I'm interested in moving into the industry of course. Too many weirdos. ;)
I can't comment on technical jobs, but I can tell you for sure that I know someone who worked (at NVIDIA) and now moved to the biotech industry - his salary on a per-hour basis doubled.
But then again, if you mind the weirdos in the GPU industry, I wouldn't suggest you even considering the biotech industry, if you know what I mean! :LOL:

digitalwanderer said:
I like my job in the industry. The pay for colour commentator might not be the best right now, but the perks are killer! ;) :LOL:

lots of babes? free alcohol?......j/k :D
Mindriot said:
No, but its cake to find a babysitter. ;)
HA! :oops:

I have three babysitter's I trust with my children; my sister, mother, and my mother's husband. My sister works too much and is burnt out on the kid thing from playing nanny for me other sis for a few years, but she's always available in an emergency or if I need it. My Mom is always working and when she ain't she's usually wining/dining clients or speaking at some bloody dinner, but every other weekend or so she always squeezes a day in since she loves me children soo much. Her hubby is great, but he died about half a year before my heart attack from his own heart attack. He was lucky and they brought him back, but he hasn't recovered anywhere nearly as well as I and I can't ask it of him.

I'm a Mom 24/7/365(6), damn near no time off ever. :(
digitalwanderer said:
Mindriot said:
No, but its cake to find a babysitter. ;)
HA! :oops:

I have three babysitter's I trust with my children; my sister, mother, and my mother's husband. My sister works too much and is burnt out on the kid thing from playing nanny for me other sis for a few years, but she's always available in an emergency or if I need it. My Mom is always working and when she ain't she's usually wining/dining clients or speaking at some bloody dinner, but every other weekend or so she always squeezes a day in since she loves me children soo much. Her hubby is great, but he died about half a year before my heart attack from his own heart attack. He was lucky and they brought him back, but he hasn't recovered anywhere nearly as well as I and I can't ask it of him.

I'm a Mom 24/7/365(6), damn near no time off ever. :(

whoa whoa whoa.... you're a she?!:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Alstrong said:
whoa whoa whoa.... you're a she?!:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Nope, I'm male...being female and providing for the family is me wife's job.

I just don't think of the definition of "Mom" or "Mother" to necessarily mean a female anymore based on my own experience.

In all other ways than gender I have been the "Mom" of this family and continue to be so.

Sorry for the confusion, but in fairness my situation while not unique still it ain't the most common either and I tend to not sound very Mom like when I'm on the boards....but that's kind of what being Dig is all about for me. It's where I still allow myself to be me unfiltered, and I fear the days of me being so are growing numbered the more me kids grow up. :rolleyes: (SCARIEST FUCKING THOUGHT IN THE WORLD: My kids are going to read all my posts one day, and probably sooner than I want. :oops: )
Alstrong said:
digitalwanderer said:
Mindriot said:
No, but its cake to find a babysitter. ;)
HA! :oops:

I have three babysitter's I trust with my children; my sister, mother, and my mother's husband. My sister works too much and is burnt out on the kid thing from playing nanny for me other sis for a few years, but she's always available in an emergency or if I need it. My Mom is always working and when she ain't she's usually wining/dining clients or speaking at some bloody dinner, but every other weekend or so she always squeezes a day in since she loves me children soo much. Her hubby is great, but he died about half a year before my heart attack from his own heart attack. He was lucky and they brought him back, but he hasn't recovered anywhere nearly as well as I and I can't ask it of him.

I'm a Mom 24/7/365(6), damn near no time off ever. :(

whoa whoa whoa.... you're a she?!:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

no no no.
no one wants to see Digi in a skirt.

although.......Kilts with the EB logo on the front might be swank. ;) ;)
digitalwanderer said:
...(SCARIEST FUCKING THOUGHT IN THE WORLD: My kids are going to read all my posts one day, and probably sooner than I want. :oops: )

Not to worry. SKYNET will assume network control long before then.

ah.... ok ok.. makes sense now! :idea:

phew..... I was wondering when Skynet was going to start doing its....thing.

digitalwanderer said:
Alstrong said:
whoa whoa whoa.... you're a she?!:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
Nope, I'm male...being female and providing for the family is me wife's job.

I just don't think of the definition of "Mom" or "Mother" to necessarily mean a female anymore based on my own experience.

Mom? That's an old term, it became Homemaker, and now I believe you're a "Domestic Technician" :)
digitalwanderer said:
(SCARIEST FUCKING THOUGHT IN THE WORLD: My kids are going to read all my posts one day, and probably sooner than I want. :oops: )

oooooh even the ones about sleeping with hookers (before you were married, of course)! :oops: