How to make friends with girls?

Don't forget the simplest method of all

Visual Evidence A:
Ah, the French. :LOL: How unsurprising from a people who expect their wives and mistresses to pick out new wallpaper together. :p
A few things

1 ) don't shit where u eat . Basicly don't date in your company . Its not smart

2) Its a numbers game. Go out and throw yourself at as many girls as you find and hopefully one of them will catch you

Just be yourself and be confident . Don't hang on thier every word . You want a healthy mix of ignoring and paying attention . It drives girls wild . Also don't let them walk all over you . Never do crazy expensive stuff either. Lots of guys will tell u its all about money. But its not true. Once u start taking them out to expensive places on non important dates it gets bad. They start to expect it and then your unhappy and they are unhappy .

The last thing is , make sure they play nice. Meaning if you go down on the girl she should go down on you . If she doesn't once or tiwce thats not to bad , it happens , but if its happening often thats it , pull the plug on it all
DemoCoder said:
Don't take this the wrong way, but aren't you Indian Deepak? It seems like one of the marvelous benefits of Indian culture is getting your family to do all the work. Both of my close Indian friends had their family search for multiple women, and "present" those women to them for inspection/choice. :) .....

:smile: , That unfortunately isn't applicable in my case. I'll have to prepare my cake and eat it too...
You could go the route sage went. Enroll in an all (or mostly) female college. Your chances of getting some, will go through the roof. /grin

ps: My other advice is what has been stated by others better: Ask as many girls out as possible. Dont worry about rejection and keep at it. One of these days youll find your match. (or at least youll go down fighting and not sitting at home wondering what ifs)

DemoCoder said:
I found the biggest problem with shy people (of which I was one) is infatuation. The imagining of qualities in girls, to the point where in your mind, you boost them up to perfection and therefore, if you were to get rejected by them, you would have lost "the one true perfect person for you".

That just described my teenage mindset to a T.
Deepak said:
And no I am not after cheap fun, I am looking for long term, permanent relationship.:p

And that's why you are doomed.

You need to get laid, more than once. You need some steady unencumbered and unattached sex. You need to make a couple of girls you barely know and will probably never see again go "Ooooooooh."

Once you do that you'll have no problems talking to girls and hooking up with girls. the only bad part is, because you do all of that hooking up, you may need to find a girl doing some hookin' of her own.
Try these pick up lines

Geek Pick-Up Lines: Part 4

11. I have so much love to give you'll have to pipe it through more.
10. Did you make a Google Bomb? Whatever I search for, it's you I find.
9. Do you work for a TelCom? Because I bet you'd be good at pulling cable.
8. I was hoping you wouldn't block my pop-up.
7. Would you like to play Scrabble with me? I am tired of playing with myself.
6. You compute me.
5. Girl, I wish I was your differential, because then I'd be touching all your curves.
4. But enough about me, let's talk about mu.
3. Be my queen and mate me with your knight moves.
2. You've stolen the ASCII to my heart.
1. You must've been made by Intel to be that hot!
I get that too, when I give up trying to find a girl the right one happens to wander along and I have a chance to hook up but I do something to screw up. It's probably I that I don't act and sieze the opprotunity.

But I just have one question. I meet a lot of girls now through friends and acquaintances, but after the intrductions and intial conversations are over with, what are the best things to talk to girls about?

Current events, school, life, politics? I'm in college so I feel school work is not something they feel like talking too much. I don't meet many girls who are gamers so that's hard to talk about. TV shows are good sometimes but it's hard to find ones that watch TV or the same shows I watch (majority of the ones I know that watch TV watch OC and I don't watch that). A couple of good coversations I have are usually about other people but I'm not much into gossiping.

I meet a lot of girls when I've been out drinking but I don't really remember the things I talk about when drunk, all I heard from friends is I make fun of some people a lot and say funny things. But I don't want that to be my only way of being social.

By the way, this is a great thread. There's so many tips but it seems unanimous that taking the initiative and having lots of notes in your fist gets girls.
You just talk dude....there is no set thing may work with one girl and the other thing may not. There are a few universally accepted truths though...if you are good looking girls will like you...if you are in shape girls will like you...if you are smart girls will like you...if you have a great sense of humor girls will like you...that is what I have found out...other than that...I doubt if even the Creator knows how women work! Even Stephen Hawking said that if there is one thing he will never figure out in this universe it is women!
Some girls just don't support PMS 3.0 yet, which hurts certain aspects of the relationship (like Splinter Cell 3) but otherwise PMS 2.0 works well enough for me.
jvd said:
don't shit where u eat . Basicly don't date in your company . Its not smart
good advice . also it's will be so much easyer to talk to women's u already knew.
i was very shy in the first month i was in my job , but by times it turned out to be so easy talk with them , times give them a chance to know u better and maybe a good and strong
relation will start .
Get a hobby that women also do. Then you can talk about said hobby while meeting women! viola. That's what I'm gonna do :D
Vysez said:
Visual Evidence A:

doesn't neccesarily work... even a mercedes won't part the leg sea by itsself

DemoCoder said:
Muff Diving expertise will definately win you huge favors as well as repeat customers. :)

you can be the best in the world... you can be better with just one hand than most lesbians are with their tongues AND have a 7+ inch penis (and everyone has seen it in your pants) but if you can't get your foot in the door (so to speak ;) ) it won't do any good

epicstruggle said:
You could go the route sage went. Enroll in an all (or mostly) female college. Your chances of getting some, will go through the roof. /grin

Just make sure that there isn't a huge party school full of buff frat boys right down the road...:devilish:
That just made my day

Sage said:
doesn't neccesarily work... even a mercedes won't part the leg sea by itsself
You're a desperate case, that doesn't count. You're the exception that proves the rule.
Sage said:
Just make sure that there isn't a huge party school full of buff frat boys right down the road...:devilish:
So, in other word you went to a girl college thinking you'll get to feel as much ass as a public toilet located near a Chilli Con Carne Jamboree.

And all you got to feel was the shame of being call a dork with a purple car by the local frat dudes?

I knew there was a God out there. And I knew he knows what Internet comedy is all about.