How many of you guys are, er "smooth"?

Have you guys been circumcized?

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This be ridiculous, have ye not looked at dogs, or at horses, or at any animal?

Why doeth ye want to look like'em?

I do not like being reminded of my animal nature every time I go to the bathroom or have s3x. Circumcision allows men to look like men, not like animals, it's a distinctive insignia.
Paul said:
Cut, and, whoever did it did a great fucking job!

Same here. My penis is the standard for which all penises should be judged in terms of size, shape, and appearance.

My wife's attitude is from having worked in the medical field for over a decade. She's simply seen too many elderly, uncut men not taking care of themselves. Another patient was a bad diabetic and had to have his penis removed because, again, he was uncircumcised and didn't take good care of himself.

And is the smooth chest earlier or latter in the evolutionary timescale?
Florin said:
I hope history will one day look back on this savage custom with a disdain similar to that which we feel when certain cultures impose it on females.

That piece of skin contains thousands of nerve endings that play a crucial role in a fulfilling sexual experience. It is also vitally important in providing smooth movement of the penis during coitus.

The commonly quoted hygiene factor has been shown to be a complete crock. Fact is that as long as proper personal hygiene procedures are followed there is no evidence at all of any increase of ailments like penile or cervical cancer among couples with an uncircumcised male.

The procedure should be reserved *only* for those males that are otherwise unable to expose the tip of their penis during adolescence, ie those with unusually tight foreskins.
Beautifully put and I totally agree. 8)

I am circumcised, but my son is not. My wife basically left that call to me since I had a bit more first-hand knowledge and I decided that I just couldn't allow that to be done to my son for absolutely no reason!

It's was a bit akward as hell teaching him to pull back the foreskin everyday and clean it, but he does and it's no problem or biggy-d for him. (Although we STILL have to have the "why am I different than you Daddy?" conversation. :rolleyes: )

I just felt it's a bit of a barbaric practice that there is no need for. (And another big strike against religion, for those of you keeping score. ;) )

And to John, I believe a smooth chest is a bit later in the whole evolutionary thing....but I ain't smooth chested. I got me 17 chest hairs, 14 of which aren't grey. ;)
Natoma said:
Well this is a disturbing conversation.....

Yeah - they'll be talking about hairy Hobbit toes next.

(That was not a euphemism for something rude, by the way, however much like one it sounds!)
I have hairy hobbit toes and knuckles too, used to have hairy ears too until I got me hair removal stick. (Thank the gods for queer eye for the straight guy!)
Mariner said:
Natoma said:
Well this is a disturbing conversation.....

Yeah - they'll be talking about hairy Hobbit toes next.

(That was not a euphemism for something rude, by the way, however much like one it sounds!)
On a related matter:
Should it also be illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to have their ears pierced?
It would make this thread so much more interesting if everyone posted a pic of their cut or uncut member :)
About which is more sensitive and giving better sexual pleasure (to self), cut or uncut, I've always thought it'd be the uncut. I think the movement of the foreskin has a lot to do with it.
My bf got himself cut long after puberty ('cos he thougt it'd look better :rolleyes: ), and he says he regrets it, as it felt better when uncut (though I don't really know if there's other things affecting...). I'd rather have it uncut too, but what's there to do....

Edit: I have hairy hobbit legs and toes too. Well, not that hairy by hairy mens standards, but compared to my upper body they are hairy.
John Reynolds said:
Same here. My penis is the standard for which all penises should be judged in terms of size, shape, and appearance.
It's not how it looks, it's how it's used.

Not to say my 7-incher isn't a looker, of course.

8) :LOL:

I'm testing the mods here, I know. :)
Reverend said:
It's not how it looks, it's how it's used.

It's a combination of both. You could be the world's greatest lover, but if you're built like a cat it just ain't going to get the job done.
hey69 said:
i'm sorry, i don't have decreased sexual pleasure .... :LOL:
on the pro side, when you are cut , the average person (eeh men) have more stamina

How would you know you don't have decreased sexual pleasure if you have nothing to compare it to (ie: uncut)? :?:
7 inches... now how long is that in centimeters..............
about 18 cm?
It's funny how the inches/centimeters always look longer when you look at it in the ruler, but when you see the measure attached to a body, it shrinks :?
zidane1strife said:
This be ridiculous, have ye not looked at dogs, or at horses, or at any animal?

Why doeth ye want to look like'em?

I do not like being reminded of my animal nature every time I go to the bathroom or have s3x. Circumcision allows men to look like men, not like animals, it's a distinctive insignia.

That's some great logic :oops:
John Reynolds said:
Reverend said:
It's not how it looks, it's how it's used.

It's a combination of both. You could be the world's greatest lover, but if you're built like a cat it just ain't going to get the job done.

Good lord I would hope you're not built like a cat. Cat penises have spines growing out of them. Easy to insert, EXTREMELY painful (for the recipient of course) to pull out.

That's why on nature shows during copulation the female always looks pissed and is trying to beat the shit out of the male.