How many of these do you eat? (20 worst foods in America)

Interesting. Because before I switched to almost water-only, I was drinking a lot of soft drink and milk drinks (breakas and the like). What about you? The change to water would seem to coincide with my sudden loss of weight now that I think about it. How on earth can liquids be responsible for weight storage like that? (If you can't guess, health is extremely low on my 'to-care-list'.)

I still want one of those crazy cheeseburger things from that list though. It looks like Randy's poop from that recent ep of South Park :p

During a day I might drink one soda, mostly water, sometimes a flavored drink like Gatorade. I'm not sure myself on why it has made such a drastic difference, but I'm not going to argue with the results. :oops:
21... I've been like this for as long as I can remember. I've lost just over 20kg in the last month and I've been eating nothing but takeaway with the occasional 'real' dinner thrown in (too busy with work 99% of the time to sit down and slowly cook a real nice meal, you see. Should be changing soon). Been drinking lots of water though.
Yep, its your metabolism at this age. It doesn't last forever. It will catch up to you, Id suggest starting to go healthier slowly (over 2 or 3 years), you will be happier later in life for having started now.
I lost about 10 lbs just by switching from regular milk to skin milk (fat free). Im now trying to break the cola drink habit.
I heard that switching to water usually makes the most drastic weight change. I've been drinking a lot less soda since I heard that and apparently you get A LOT more energy. It's really not a placebo effect, I would sleep like 10 hours a day before and be sleepy all the time but now 6 is easily enough.
From the article:
What the "H" is Australian about that?! Honestly, Australia should have trademarked "Aussie" to stop this sort of corruption.
"Fries"!?!?! Potatoes cooked in oil are called chips and you don't put cheese on them!!! :mad::mad:
"Ranch"?!? There are no ranches in Australia. Stations, yes.
"Shrimp on the Barbie". Prawns. Prawns. Prawns. Struth!
I suspect they don't even put beetroot on the burgers.
Sounds like this "Outback Steakhouse" place is about as Australian as ....err...the Mississippi river.
I don't care about australian food, I just like whatever they have at outback.
On that TV dinner they're bragging: "over 1 pound of food!" as if this is what makes their product remarkable.

I'm much more astonished that they managed to cram half the daily energy intake, 100% of the daily fat and saturated fat intake and 240% of the daily cholesterol intake into only 1 pound of food. And they managed to do it without supplying more than 2% of the RDI for vitamin C.

To be fair. I've tried worse; so-called 'american pizza'. It was a small diameter pizza intended for 1 person, it had a thick wheat crust with about a pound of cheese on(I shit you not) and some miniscule amount of mushrooms and onion burried in the cheese. It had few merits other than it's abillity to disguise the fact that you're essentially just eating molten cheese by the mouth full. (needless to say, I didn't finish it).
I knew Outback's cheese fries were around 3000 calories, but I still like 'em. Clearly fries topped with cheese, bacon, and dipped in ranch is going to bust your calorie budget. Good thing I don't have them often.
Thats... well over an entire day's worth of energy, contained in a single serving of fries!? I didn't even know it was possible to pack so much energy into such a small mass.
Jebus... "Worst Kids' Meal":

Macaroni Grill Double Macaroni 'n' Cheese
1,210 calories 62 g fat
3,450 mg sodium

Isn't that like 100% of a child's recommended daily calories intake?
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How old are you? When I was in my teens/early twenties I was just like you. It will slowly catch up to you, trust me.

True dat. You'll eventually find that you will fuck up your thyroid which will slow down your metabolism. Age catches up fast and the more you abuse it now the worst it will be when you're older. Moderation baby, it's the only way to go.

Have smaller meals but more often. You will find that having one giant meal per day is more damaging then having a lot more smaller ones.
To be fair. I've tried worse; so-called 'american pizza'. It was a small diameter pizza intended for 1 person, it had a thick wheat crust with about a pound of cheese on(I shit you not) and some miniscule amount of mushrooms and onion burried in the cheese. It had few merits other than it's abillity to disguise the fact that you're essentially just eating molten cheese by the mouth full. (needless to say, I didn't finish it).
I'm not sure why that'd be called an American Pizza. Most pizza's in the US don't have that much cheese and I don't think I've ever had a wheat crust. Maybe it's like Simon saying Outback isn't really Australian.

Thats... well over an entire day's worth of energy, contained in a single serving of fries!? I didn't even know it was possible to pack so much energy into such a small mass.
It's a pretty big plate and meant for four or more people. Still it's a lot. Best eaten right before bed so your body absorbs the full affect. :devilish:
Call me a sick and twisted pervert who has no taste whatsoever and should be put up against a wall and shot but I actually prefer these American-style deep pan pizzas. I know it's inexcusable but that's just the way it is.
Call me a sick and twisted pervert who has no taste whatsoever and should be put up against a wall and shot but I actually prefer these American-style deep pan pizzas. I know it's inexcusable but that's just the way it is.
Of course american style pizza's come in a few varieties:
- New York (thin and floppy, sometimes thin and crispy)
- Chicago style (probably closer to what he's describing, but usually with more than cheese in it)
- "Gourmet" (generally thin and crispy, with non "traditional" toppings like artichoke hearts, and non-red sauce.

And yeah, we've got a place here that has the inch thick pizza with wheat crust, but its not all cheese. Plenty o' spinach, etc.

P.S. the absolute worst pizza I've had was in Rome. Who, in gods green earth, puts tuna on a pizza? And why do I always do a bad job of interpreting the ingredients? Why have I done to be punished so?
Dammit, I loved the cheese fries at Outback, now I will never be able to get them again. Ugh I knew clicking on this thread would be a bad idea.
^I'm sorry.:cry: but it may not be as bad if you hold off on the ranch.

and soylent, as russ said there's different types of "american" pizzas and it sounds like you had a chicago deep dish pizza if it had a pound of cheese in it. those are NOT meant for one person. each person is only supposed to have a slice or two and you eat it with a fork. I had an italian pizza before in italy and while they taste good, I like the american pizzas more (I disliked how you had burnt patches on the italian ones and "chunks" of cheese) probably because I'm just used to it. italian calzones are amazing though.