How likely is it...

That Nintendo updates with a unified account system? I mean, they fixed one of the biggest complaints of the Wii U in the slow OS.
You'd think that would be a sure bet, but they're already 7 years past due and have already announced special "upgrade pricing" for virtual console content. So even if you get a single log in that may not translate to content portability.
I don't know that they really fixed the issue, as it still seems pretty slow from the post-update videos I've seen.
I'm still wondering with the Wii U Virtual Console how they are basically asking people to pay twice for the same game if they owned it on the Wii Virtual Console. :rolleyes:
When it comes to online... Nintendo is a mess...

It's just headscratching really... I mean considering all the profits they made with the Wii/DS combo, you'd think they'd have been forward thinking enough to just go out and buy an online company like Onlive, given they're so incompetant at home-stewing their own stuff.
Unified accounts is one thing, I'd be happy with unified games. I'd love to play the new Luigi's Mansion on my otherwise dead and unused wuu, but nintendo's refusing to release it and I'm NOT buying a 3GS. I'm just not gonna do it. Ever. Evereverever. So I guess I'll just not ever play that game either then, which is a pity cuz it looks like it would be hilarious to play. :p

Stupid nintendo shooting itself in its stupid feet, as usual.