how is xenon's edram's bandwidth calculated?


"Its design allows for free multisample antialiasing (MSAA) while maintaining a sustained rate of reading or writing 8 pixels per GPU clock cycle—256 GB/sec of memory bandwidth."
I think it's something like this :
8 pixels / cycle x 8 bytes / pixel (color + Z) x 4 (multisampling) x 2 (read-modify-write for blending) * 0.5GHz = 256 GBytes/s
It's exactly enough bandwidth required to do those operations. If you're only writing, you can only use (and only need) half of that bandwidth. Everything is based off 8 pixels/zixels per clock. There's the bandwidth to read AND write 4 samples for 8 pixels per clock.

So I'm not certain what you're really asking.