How is the weather at your place?

Rabidrabbit, how does it feel in -20C? Do you go out in that low temp? Does it feel unbearably cold?

BTW, temp here in New Delhi have risen considerably in last few days, from a low of 0.2C it is now 10+C (min) and 25C (max), I hope chily weather returns, I want to enjoy winters.
Deepak said:
Rabidrabbit, how does it feel in -20C? Do you go out in that low temp? Does it feel unbearably cold?

BTW, temp here in New Delhi have risen considerably in last few days, from a low of 0.2C it is now 10+C (min) and 25C (max), I hope chily weather returns, I want to enjoy winters.
Deepak said:
Rabidrabbit, how does it feel in -20C? Do you go out in that low temp? Does it feel unbearably cold?

I'm not Rabidrabbit but I'll answer anyway :) Usually -20 is quite bearable, with enough cloths, but now we're having this wind which adds around -10 celsius. I remember playing hockey many times when there's been around -25 celsius but today's weather feels even more cold than that, thanks to wind. Or I'm just getting old :)

About the global warming, Finnish meteorological institute just released info that year 2005 was "unusually warm" in Finland.
Yes, -20 and below to even -30 is ok with good clothing, you just feel the tingly sensation in your cheeks and nose and comfy warm elsewhere.
If it's dry and not windy, I actually prefer -25, when you feel the coldness kind of mostly on your skin, while a -5 with wind and more moisture in the air it penetrates you to the bones and makes you shake with cold.
It's much about the clothing though, "there's no bad weather, just wrong clothing" as the saying goes... still, I refuse to wear long johns no matter how cold :)
It's about -2C in Toronto now. The snow barely covers the grass outside my door. Just got back from Sweden yesterday. It was an unusually mild winter. The only particularly cold day was the day of my arrival, which was -27C. Otherwise it was around -15 to -20 for a week or so and the rest of the time between 0 and -10.
I saw in today's newspaper that Russia is facing worst cold wave in 30 years, Moscow is below -30C and expected to drop even further. And I saw a pic of a man taking dip in a river with temp at -25C. :oops:

Why does it feel colder with wind and moisture?
forecast high of 66F today. sunny. rain this weekend high sat 46, sun 56. odd winter we're having. haven't had 1 freezing high day yet. coldest day this week...48 on wednesday.
Here in TN it's been weird. 40's one week, then mid to upper 60 the following week. Not only that, but the contrails have been heavy the past 4 weeks.
Deepak said:
Why does it feel colder with wind and moisture?
How cold it feels isn't so much about absolute air temperature, but rather the temperature inside your skin (where the receptors are), or further inside your body. So it's all about how good the air is at cooling your body.

Wind will exchange the thin layer of hot air next to your body (that your body has heated), and thus cool you down more efficiently.

Moist air will need more energy to be heated, and thus cool you down even more. If the air is so moist that you get slightly wet, then it will cool you down by evaporation (like an artificial "sweat").

Fans on heatsinks, watercooling, and heat pipes, you now.

Btw, I think the wind-chill numbers are calculated for naked skin. The better clothing you have, the less is the difference between real temperature and "wind-chill temperature". But it's of course hard to cover up all skin (ie in the face).
An hour and a half ago I took the dogs out and it was raining like crazy and it had been for hours. Not just a light drizzle, the kind of rain that makes a couple of inch deep puddles in a dug up yard.

I just took them out and there is at least 3" of snow on the ground and it's a freaking blizzard!

I shit you not, I have never seen it go so quickly from rain drenched to snow covered before in my life! :oops:

On a happy note, they FINALLY figured out how to catch snowballs and enjoyed the hell out of themselves. :)
It is crystal clear today, quite windy. But perfect day to enjoy sun...I am about to in few mins. :smile: BTW, I today saw 2 groups of Jaguars/Mig 29s (5 each) and few Sukhoi-30s passing over near our colony...with roaring sound, it was thrilling experience. They were praticing for 26th Jan (Republic Day) parade here in New Delhi.
It's been foggy and chilly lately, some snow back on tuesday. The next week, it looks like a good deal of the Russian Cold winter spell will approach Italy and the Mediterranean Sea: the Buran will blow pretty strongly. I guess we're in for a taste of a really cold winter down here in Italy...
Well the snow only stayed around long enough to get the Z a bit wrecked, now it's all melted and muddier than hell.

I just got my puppies in and they are just covered in mud! I have no excuses or outs, I gotta give them a bath today now. :(
Had to revive the topic: I look out my office' window and have glaring sunshine in my face and it's snowing at the same time. Been like that for hours already today. Just crazy.
Sunshine and low 80's. Austin spring is here. Now I'm just waiting for the thunderstorms to begin.
70's everyday here in San Jose. Rained a little this past week and last night there were three small earthquakes.