How is the weather at your place?


B3D Yoddha
This month has been horrible, and I mean it. Temp never dipped below 40C (max) and min was ~ 30C with high levels of humidity. Sometimes it even touched 45C. It was a killer combonation. Some places in India touched ~50C :oops: .


Since sunday here in Delhi (monsoon reached here), the weather is pleasant (clouded since then with some rain) with max ~30C and min ~25C. It feels like heaven compared to 40+C for a month. Entire India is under monsoon spell. I feel great whenever it rains, spec when I get drenched. :D
very roughly the same here, since saturday/sunday it has been quite cloudy/windy (with a bit of rain) and we went back to about 25°C max, after a week or two of ~35°C max. But it was 20° min and no humidity, that's much better than for you ;)

I hate humidity, don't really like rain too but can live with it. I'm glad it's rarely humid here in southern France.
It's actually been rather pleasant here for the past week, 25-30C, a bit humid sometimes but not too bad. Today it's a bit cooler, grey skies (wahey!). It pissed down last night, I think my house nearly got hit by lightning.

The good thing about the weather here being bloody miserable 90% of the time is that it makes you appreciate the 10% when it's nice. I'd hate to live anywhere where it's always sunny, so boring.
my brother is in surat, gujarat. I believe theres a flood there.
Here in the US, its nice weather somewhere in the 30's (too tired to convert).

25-30 last 2 weeks. before that weather sucked major ass. cloudy , no sun and chilly around 15°c
and right now , i think Godzilla is angry because there are some loud noises outside, and the sky turned almost black
nutball said:
It's actually been rather pleasant here for the past week, 25-30C, a bit humid sometimes but not too bad. Today it's a bit cooler, grey skies (wahey!). It pissed down last night, I think my house nearly got hit by lightning.

The good thing about the weather here being bloody miserable 90% of the time is that it makes you appreciate the 10% when it's nice. I'd hate to live anywhere where it's always sunny, so boring.

pretty accurate description :) even though I very very very (x100) much disagree with the last sentence. It is not boring it is great, as long as it is near some water that is (which is not poisonous like Thames :D )
Blazkowicz_ said:
very roughly the same here, since saturday/sunday it has been quite cloudy/windy (with a bit of rain) and we went back to about 25°C max, after a week or two of ~35°C max. But it was 20° min and no humidity, that's much better than for you ;)

I hate humidity, don't really like rain too but can live with it. I'm glad it's rarely humid here in southern France.

Like in Italy more or less, only the first showers will start later today...
Pretty awesome weather here today... Clear sunny sky, balmy air, lots of beautiful people moving about outside.

It says temp is 20C right now, but it feels warmer, at least in the sun. Could be a touch warmer or a bit less windy, but I'm not complaining at all.

Was down in the city today, bought a buncha DVDs. Total Recall special edition (tin box and dual discs, wow!), Big Trouble in Little China, D.A.R.Y.L, In the Name of the Rose, Erik the Viking. Yes, went on a bit of a retro spree, heh! I really should have bought Conan the Barbarian also (it's cheap as hell, and there's tons of extras included), but I got out of stride after I learned The Last Starfighter is only available in region 1 format and hence can't be imported and sold here in Europe. :(
Another rainy day

There's been so much rain this spring that many of the area farmers haven't been able to work in the fields. A large portion of the land around me won't be planted at all. The farmer opted to use his crop insurance rather then planting late and risk winter arriving before harvest.

The power flickered off a few times during the thunderstorm we had an hour ago. The lightning hasn't ended completely but the power seems stable now.
Mercury has plummeted across North India due to heavy snow and rain, today I felt reaally cold while coming back from office, later I found out that it was 6C at that time (and it was in evening), it was windy also. Some predictions suggest that it might go below 0C here in Delhi in coming days, which has happened only once ever...
it's sunny 60F today here. we're still having thunder storms (last week and this week). very unusual...not to mention TS Zeta out in the atlantic since 12/29. and our hurricane season ends nov 30. wonder what next summer's gonna be like.
-6 (on the REAL temp scale) right now, a nice cover of snow on the ground and frost on all the branches and twigs of trees and bushes. Everything looks just totally wintery and perfect, sooooo pretty and nice!

Too bad it can all switch over to +1 on the drop of a hat and ruin the whole image. Then it'll freeze again, leaving everything with a thick, hard cover of ice! GRR, that's the worst bit with winter in this part of the country. I'm hoping my idyllic vista will last for at least a couple more days tho!
Santa Cruz is a nice 68F (20C) this afternoon but at night it drops to like 47 F (14C). It's also been raining a bunch off and on. I gotta get a Parka Jacket cause most of mine are meant for cold and Dry and they suck when it rains like an inch or two.

Good too see most everyone else is miserable.
Its currently 44F, which weather docklet says is 7C. This is about the average temp its been here, sucks complete ass. I want some negative temps, its been like this for the last 5 winters, its like a half spring.....
Have to brag here...sunny San Diego...mid to low 70 in the day. Upper 50's at night. :)


In some parts of Australia it was 48C a few days ago.
It was around 45C a Sunday ago.

Deepak said:
This month has been horrible, and I mean it. Temp never dipped below 40C (max) and min was ~ 30C with high levels of humidity. Sometimes it even touched 45C. It was a killer combonation. Some places in India touched ~50C :oops: .


Since sunday here in Delhi (monsoon reached here), the weather is pleasant (clouded since then with some rain) with max ~30C and min ~25C. It feels like heaven compared to 40+C for a month. Entire India is under monsoon spell. I feel great whenever it rains, spec when I get drenched. :D
Yep was driving back from Port Maquarie to Canberra in the worst of it. No aircon - luckily light traffic and they have completed the western orbital(M7) so only a couple of traffic lights.