how well does the NV2A or NV20 handle texture read/writes
I have no idea what sort of answer your looking for.
The texture cache at least appears to me to be very efficient, NVidia do not publically disclose the exact function of the cache and I won't discus it here. If you had to pick a single architectural feature that had the largest impact on GPU performance (all other thibgs being equal) the texture cahce is probably it.
On average how many clock cycles does it take to pass a trinlinear texture?
I'm unclear if the question is how many clock cycles does trilinear take, in which case it's 1 as mentioned above it's basically free. Or if your asking how many clocks a pixel spends in the pipeline, in which case the answer is I don't know other than a lot (of the order of hundreds).
how does latency play into this?
The nice thing about 3D graphics is that memory accesses are very predictable, as a result memory latency can be almost entirely hidden in the pipeline. The one big exception to this is when you do a defered texture read with what random texture positions.
If it takes 8 sample texels to pass 1 trilinear textures why is it possible for the GC to take no hit from trilinear filtered texels?
If your cache was architected with enough output bandwidth, it wouldn't matter if it took 800 texels.....
It's a design decision the designer picks what he's optimising for and the extra resources are just wasted on simpler pixels.
When working with Audio how much bandwidth does streaming to the MCPX usualy take? How much externala bandwidth is generally used?
Clearly it depends on the number of channels in use, the sampling frequencies and the format.
reading 1 channel of raw stereo 44KHz audio takes 44000*4 bytes/sec 176Kbytes/second.
So to read 256 channels would take 256*176K = about 45Mbytes/second or not very much of the total available bandwith.
Now the MCP does a bit more than this, there are intermediate buffers and positional samples won't be stereo, but from a bandwidth standpoint, it probably isn't a major contributor.
Now what worries me is that these questions sound a lot like your trying to build some funny math to argue some point with someone, do your self and everyone else a favor, if this is your intention forget about it. There is no magical mathematic formula that will give you a number that will reflect real world performance.