How do women think?


I just had a course where we had a painting assigment and two chicks behind me went:

"- I know, lets put the cows in the tree and the birds on the ground, it'll be like one thinks!"

"- Yeah! Like one thinks!"


This is actually something I've been thinking about recently: Creative women always make something really wierd.

I'm thinking comparing men and women is like comparing classic and quantum mechanics.
LOL. You really don't need to separate creative women and men in any regards. Creative men make things that are just as weird as the things creative women make. It's true.

What was your painting assignment?

Women are definitely a mystery in some sense in that it's hard to imagine how that come to some of their reasonings. In this day and age I wouldn't say men are any more logical than women or less irrational. It's just that I can see things from a guy's perspective much easier than I can a woman's.
They think the same but work with different data. And maybe slightly more different than you're used to from other men. ;)
LOL. You really don't need to separate creative women and men in any regards. Creative men make things that are just as weird as the things creative women make. It's true.

Well I've gotten the impression that male art is just more ordered.

What was your painting assignment?

Nothing special. It was a course in "culture and style history", where we had to replicate some rock painting with acrylic.
Well I've gotten the impression that male art is just more ordered.
Perhaps the word you're actually looking for is "constrained". :cool:

Men are indoctrinated since birth to approach things by means of abstract thinking and logic. Of course this will have an impression on the developing mind. It doesn't neccessarily mean there's any fundamental biological difference.

PS: it might be added both Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso were in facrt men. Just to mention perhaps the two most famous abstract art painters..
I just had a course where we had a painting assigment and two chicks behind me went:
I don't think a sample set of 2 can be the basis for a very accurate study for 50% of the general populus. It may be sufficient for "chicks in your art class" though.
I don't think a sample set of 2 can be the basis for a very accurate study for 50% the general populus. It may be sufficient for "chicks in your art class" though.

Well the reason i find it interesting is because it coincides with what i've been thinking about recently.

Here's another thing typical for women:

I just found at home some stupid book written by Laura Bushnell and my mother has copied some pages out of it and I may quote one here:
Yellow represents the suns shining beams and works everywhere where a higher consciousness is needed. It also gives happiness, wealth, congratulations and attention. Yellow can brdige injustice and help turning a long, gloomy period in a persons lifestyle; it is also the color that steers marriage.

White is the color of pureness; white cleanses, purifies and clears up obstacles. Use it to prepare the road for big changes.

Valeria, who is an estate agent, used to always have short of money and worried every month about how she could pay her bills. She did a coin candle from a green candle and bayou oil and used the prayers I had learned her. I didn't meet her for close to six months but when she came back she told me her luck had changed.
She had began selling one house after the other. She said that she also had splashed some of the oil I gave her in the car she had when she drove around and showed houses. No wonder why she sold that many!

This exercises has helped many of my clients to attract love wit the help of the force in the light.

Spiritual motivation: Burning love
What you need: Two red lights, oil
Time: As much as you want

* Daub two red candles with an oil you really like
* Carve in your name onto one of the candles and let the other be unmarked.
* Place the candles thirty centimeters away from each other and let both burn for an hour
* During that hour bring the candles closer to each other, until they finally touch each other.
* Repeat this daily until the candles have burned out

Generally speaking, there has to be some fundamental difference between male and female thought.

I mean, I've never heard about a "crazy cat man".

Also it's I don't think it's only the topic of thought that differs in female circuits, I mean, what man, in his right mind, would choose to wear a pink miniskirt?

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Pook nailed it pretty good (as always):

Honey, I HATE to interrupt...
As if you were doing anything more important.

Have you had time to...

Stop what you're doing, get up, and do it RIGHT NOW!

When you get a chance...

Do this immediately!

I hate to nag but...
I want you to get off the couch now!

Of course I don't mind paying for myself.

Cheap date!

Let's not rush things.
I have other prospects.

I'm not ready to settle down.

I sure as heck don't want to settle down with YOU!

I enjoy the single life!
I enjoy not being with YOU!

I need more space!
You're becoming undesirable and unattractive.

I'm focusing on my 'career'.
My training and studying for my career is extremely boring and tedious yet more exciting then you'll ever be.

Let's just give it some time.
You're not high on my rating list. You're good insurance policy if a better prospect doesn't show up.

I like you, but...
I don't like you at all. You're not the type of guy I'd date, you're the type of guy I'd marry! You're sexually a dud. You're not fun to be with. But you are... 'nice'.

Honesty is very important to me.
Only tell me what I want to hear.

I only like you as a friend.
I'm not attracted to you. "And I only see you as a flaming $lut w-hore!"

You're so manly.

Shave, bathe, discover a thing called S-O-A-P.

Let me check my schedule to see if I'm doing anything.
I have plans. WE do not.

We need...
I want...

Can you call me back? I need to...
I just need an excuse to get off the phone. I didn't want to hurt your feelings so I LIED BLATANTLY TO YOUR FACE. Oh, and have a nice day!



Let me think about it



But not any shitty thought can be classified as art _just because_. It also requires quality, or at least in accordance to some sort of "qualified majority" opinion. I can also poo and smear it across the windshield and call it art, but it is still simply crap.
Women think differently IMHO. I believe it's part genetics and part environment (they learn to fight/attack each other in very different ways at a very young age).

As to the genetic part, the female genome is far more complex than the male genome (there's an article out there from a few years back that might come up in google) and the Y chromosome is actually both simple and degraded (from my memory of that article).

In "man" terms I think women read much more into things and are often right about their "extra" interpretations, especially when conversing with other women (oh the way she darted her eyes when I said that). Men miss that whole conversation.
Mize, the genome is the same for both genders. You surely speak about the egg cells and their genome, but that is a different thing. The reproductive cells differ from the rest of the human body in that they don't carry the whole genome but just a certain part of it (google for meiotic cell division):

I love you Simon. :LOL:
The way you say things can be quite funny. I was on the fritz laughing like a lunatic when I read your post. :D

I don't think a sample set of 2 can be the basis for a very accurate study for 50% the general populus. It may be sufficient for "chicks in your art class" though.
Men are indoctrinated since birth to approach things by means of abstract thinking and logic. Of course this will have an impression on the developing mind. It doesn't neccessarily mean there's any fundamental biological difference.

The role that estrogen plays may account for the differences. Hebbian refinement is apt to occur more rapidly with effects of estrogen on GABA signaling. In simple terms male brains, while being slower to refine themselves, retain higher levels of plasticity. Whereas, female brains are quicker to develop. This might explain the common observation of girls learning to speak and read earlier than boys. At the same time it would give boys an advantage later in understanding more abstract concepts. But just like in 3D, nothing comes for free.