How can you tell if a girl is intelligent?

_xxx_ said:
Ohh, a youngster! :) That's up to you to make her feel that way (and keep it so), y'know.
......I have to make her feel ambitious? This reminds me of a quote that Gene Hackman says in Hiest: "Gold doesn't drive the world around, love of gold does."

_xxx_ said:
No, this:

You have to keep her attracted to you and you only. And that is obviously up to you.
That sounds awefully vague to the psyche of a 17 year old raging nihilistic tool.....
What's vague about that?

EDIT: there's no universal formula besides not being a needy clingy wuss, the rest can be anything, depends on the involved persons.
_xxx_ said:
What's vague about that?

EDIT: there's no universal formula besides not being a needy clingy wuss, the rest can be anything, depends on the involved persons.
I was being sarcastic. We're not clingy, I might show her off to all my friends though!:cool:
nintenho said:
I don't think she's egotistic, she just has low self-confidence. She's always really shy around me. It's really surreal how obvious it is to everyone. All her and my friends make sure we sit together and I always try to be super nice to her. It's just hard situation to explain because essentially, I need to figure out how to prod some ambition into her....yeah, huh?

give me her phone number, i'm going to call her and tell her for you since you won't do it...

in all seriousness, though.... just ask her to a movie? it's not very hard. you don't even have to talk to her much, really. you don't have to bring any gifts, and you aren't expected to kiss her or hold her hand or anything. just watch a movie with her. once you've done this you'll feel a lot more comfortable with the next step (whatever you choose it to be, don't pressure yourself and try to make things bigger than they have to be)

bottom line- keep it simple! "hey, would you like to see a movie with me sometime?" that's all you have to say, just those few little words. And, it doesn't have to be a big production either! you can say it anywhere any time, it doesn't really matter. Do it the moment you see her next, i don't care if you're walking down the street and she's on the other side just DO IT. It's so frikking simple, unfortunately it seems so utterly complicated and impossible until you do it and then you go "that was it!? THAT WAS IT!? I COULD HAVE DONE THAT YEARS AGO!!!"
Sage said:
give me her phone number, i'm going to call her and tell her for you since you won't do it...

in all seriousness, though.... just ask her to a movie? it's not very hard. you don't even have to talk to her much, really. you don't have to bring any gifts, and you aren't expected to kiss her or hold her hand or anything. just watch a movie with her. once you've done this you'll feel a lot more comfortable with the next step (whatever you choose it to be, don't pressure yourself and try to make things bigger than they have to be)

bottom line- keep it simple! "hey, would you like to see a movie with me sometime?" that's all you have to say, just those few little words. And, it doesn't have to be a big production either! you can say it anywhere any time, it doesn't really matter. Do it the moment you see her next, i don't care if you're walking down the street and she's on the other side just DO IT. It's so frikking simple, unfortunately it seems so utterly complicated and impossible until you do it and then you go "that was it!? THAT WAS IT!? I COULD HAVE DONE THAT YEARS AGO!!!"
Heh, I'm not shy. Honestly, I'm at the point where I'm about to ask one of her friends to tell her to meet me and that I'll say "You like me, right? Okay, so let's hang out for a week so it looks like we go to know each other and then tell everybody".

I'm a worthless smelly fuck....yeah, huh?
_xxx_ said:
That's not about manipulation, just if you do stuff for her before you even really know her without any "real" reason, she'll dump you instantly. Every single woman on this planet will react this way, because this tells them you just want to get laid and don't really care about her inner values.

well, the idea here is that you shouldn't feel the need to buy her things to win her time and affection. if you do then f*ck that b*tch, she's not worth it.
nintenho said:
Heh, I'm not shy. Honestly, I'm at the point where I'm about to ask one of her friends to tell her to meet me and that I'll say "You like me, right? Okay, so let's hang out for a week so it looks like we go to know each other and then tell everybody".

I'm a worthless smelly fuck....yeah, huh?

nope, not a worthless smelly fuck... typical 17 year old guy.

the thing is- you're still making it too complicated. guys tend to make elaborate schemes to get women and the thing is it's not neccesary! why go through the troubble of asking one of her friends to meet you, why not just call her right now and be like "hey, i like you, let's go to dinner/movie/etc."
Sage said:
nope, not a worthless smelly fuck... typical 17 year old guy.

the thing is- you're still making it too complicated. guys tend to make elaborate schemes to get women and the thing is it's not neccesary! why go through the troubble of asking one of her friends to meet you, why not just call her right now and be like "hey, i like you, let's go to dinner/movie/etc."
I don't really want a girlfriend in the first place though. However, since she likes me, I'm now hounding's really a fucked up situation.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Why did this have to turn into a dating crap thread?
I wish everyone was gay.

Well then why start threads about girls, and why not "hang out" in gay forums then?
So what kind of intelligence are we talking about here?

The girl I am dating right now....and will marry in all probability is a Nuclear Engineer graduated from Berkeley who just got accepted to a few damn good Nuclear Engineering schools to pursue her Master/PhD (she is still deciding which). Is that the kind of intelligence you are talking about? Or are you talking about a girl who happens to be a model and can hold your attention span for more than 3 seconds when she opens her mouth and consider that "talent" on her part to be intelligence? Because my girlfriend is both the above scenarios combined.

Honestly to me intelligence is about being able to hold a conversation for no matter how long without getting the other person bored. Sex is great but it requires its own intelligence and you can enjoy that for a few hours a day...when you have time that is...but other than that her mannerisms, the way she handles problems, or gives advice, or holds herself, or even dresses, talks to other people, the way she eats at a restaurant, sense of timing, sense of class, sense of not killing your olfactory nerves by putting too much perfume and so on etc are all part of intelligence in a woman is it not? So I guess what I am trying to say is define intelligence.
nintenho said:
I don't really want a girlfriend in the first place though. However, since she likes me, I'm now hounding's really a fucked up situation.

Keep doing that and she'll stop liking you much sooner than you think.
if you don't really want a girlfriend in the first place... why are you going after her???
same reason a men clicks a porn Edonkey hash without thinking at alll..... and the next day you say: " i dont remember clicking this...", but you keep it any way.

ah... welcome to my life lol