How can you tell if a girl is intelligent?

16 is legal in oklahoma.... :cool:

(and a pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to prepubecent children... thus, being sexually attracted even a 13 or 14 year old 'woman' would not be pedophilia... doesn't mean there aren't obvious problems with that, but it's not pedophilia)
_xxx_ said:
That will rarely do anything else besides making her run faster than the wind. Seriously.

EDIT: that will only work if you look REALLY good and the girl is VERY hot on you.

meh...worked for me many times :)
I think it's less about looks and more about confidence.
Mize said:
meh...worked for me many times :)
I think it's less about looks and more about confidence.

yup... if the key is to avoid being needy. they want to feel like they are attractive but they also need to feel like they have to earn it.

bottom line is they want the best they can get and, if they see you as thinking that they are the best that you can get, they will probably think you aren't the best they can get. Make her call up her girlfriends and scream "oh my g-d, he likes ME! ME!!! did you hear that!? HE likes MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!" and you've just won.

golden rule:
don't ever let a woman you are interested in see you get shot down by another woman
Sage said:
golden rule:
don't ever let a woman you are interested in see you get shot down by another woman

That too, but you'll usually one-on-one them anyway to avoid that.
yeah... and while that is my "golden rule" what's golden about it is the concept rather than the action. if you can understand why you're immeditely dead in the water when a woman see's you get shot down by another woman, you should be able to see how that affects everything else as well.
Personally I think you guys are being rather moronic. You seem to see women as two-dimensional creatures who have no depth or real thought. Hell, I've gone home with a woman who saw me shot down by another and thought it was cute. Life isn't paint by numbers guys. Just have some confidence in yourself & be yourself. If you have to "dupe" a woman into wanting or being with you then you're not only pathetic but dishonest.

My two cents.
Mize said:
Personally I think you guys are being rather moronic. You seem to see women as two-dimensional creatures who have no depth or real thought.

There are patterns which are valid for the vast majority of women, same goes for men of course.
_xxx_ said:
There are patterns which are valid for the vast majority of women, same goes for men of course.

I don't deny that, but there are lots of really interesting, funny, smart women out there.

As for the shallow ones, we had this employee who was so "me me me me me" it was insane.

Mention bagels and she'd say "oh I love bagels. ate them all the time in New York. I can't eat them anywhere else because they just don't taste the same!"

Metion croisants (I can't even spell that) and she'd say "oh I love them. Ate them all the time in Paris. That's the only place I'll eat them as anywhere else they're not as good"

And so on. She once excused a $2 tip on a $120 dinner with "I lived in Europe so long I just never think of it" (she lived there for less than a year).

So they exist, but it's easy to find more interesting creatures for sure.
Mize said:
I don't deny that, but there are lots of really interesting, funny, smart women out there.

It has nothing to do with shallow & boring <--> smart & funny. Neither for women nor for men. At the deepest level the driving forces are all the same. The smart people are more capable of erecting facades and veneers to paper over their basic animal instincts, but underneath there's much the same thing going on.

Smart women want many of the same things as shallow women, they're just more picky and harder to satisfy.
nutball said:
Smart women want many of the same things as shallow women, they're just more picky and harder to satisfy.

No. They're more fun and more challenging. You play video games on easy, don't you ;)