How can you stream to YouTube with under 1K followers?

Ever since Google updated their policy regarding live streaming, you can no longer stream from your mobile device unless you have 1000 subscribers and a good standing. The problem is, I have less than 40 subs right now.

So, is there any free, great quality live streaming software out there? I'm going to have to assume, there likely isn't any that don't lag like hell. Google ain't dumb. They are bound to know that people would try to circumvent their rules.

YouTube without a lot of followers, quite honestly, is a waste of time for personal use. Plus, all manner of mongoloids can subscribe to your channel just to stalk you or act in an annoying manner, but they can hide themselves. I've had a lot of dealings with some Australian arsehole who cannot take a hint, and I know he does that sort of crap.
sorry , I don't know of any. I didn't know they changed their live streaming rules either. Perhaps start streaming from a pc live if its under 1k subscribers still and get your numbers up ?
If you want to stream live from mobile, perhaps use Facebook.