How can I contact John Carmack?

K.I.L.E.R said:
Easy, you don't!
He will contact you.

heh...I can't get you Carmack but i can get you his attorney. Just go around stating your were the one who leaked Doom 3 Alpha in corporate emails to ID Software. Then you'll be sure to get a call.
He gave us a signal...



UAC if you really want a card for doom 3 and doom 3 only you will wait for next gen cards to come.

GF 5950 FX is probably fastest card out now in doom 3 but that is ignoring IQ completely.

Wanna know the real reason doom 3 is late its cause everyone second doom fan is spamming him with emails. ( Oh and cause I hacked the Doom 3 source and pre-gold release :devilish: ).
Armadillo Aerospace. Whether he'll reply or not is a different question.
geo said:
Armadillo Aerospace. Whether he'll reply or not is a different question.

I can see it all now:

Topic: Armadillo Aerospace

when iz teh d00m 3 cuming oot?
