Hot coffee cheat and its impact .


Some of you may or may not know but there is a mini game in gta 3 vc called the hot coffee cheat . Its basicly a simulation of having sex . You have to keep your stam up and well i think u can take it from there .

IN light of this the rating is changed from M to adult and gamestop and other chains have pulled the game off the shelves (gamestop got the news today )

Also hilary clinton has renewed the witch hunts of the early 90s and seeks to pass a law that will land a person in jale for selling certian games to minors .

What do you all think of this
I think it's funny that magically things become different when you go from 17+ to 18+

I think it's funny you can have all the gore in the world at 17+ but sex pushes you over the top into 18+ territory (what's the legal age for sex in the US, by the way?)

That's probably just a cultural thing though.

GTA has always been 18+ only here in Europe, as much for its drugs references, violence as its sex. I don't know if it's the same in the US, but where I am if you're caught selling to anyone underage, you - the store assistant - personally can be fined thousands of euro.

I guess if AO is as limiting as I hear in America, Rockstar's gonna be REAL careful about what ends up on future GTA discs ;)
i think the fact that it's ok to go around simulating cop killing and numerous acts of random chaos and violence, yet a simulated sex scene is somehow crossing the line, is a hypocritical and nonsensical placement of values.

The game will probably sell even more now (if they can find it).

I also think that if they would enforce the M rating at the stores and not sell to kids under 17 in the 1st place, that it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

The real problem is tons of 10-16 year olds are already playing these games. I run across 10 yo kids online in LIVE enabled M games all the time.
well in the movie industry herei n the states we have rated R which is restricted . You can go see it if your under 17 and have parents consent . Nc-17 you need to be 17 even with parents consent .

For sex its wierd . In most states 16 is legal age for consent . However that has a 3 year rule . Which means if the person having sex with the 16 year old is 3 years older i.e 19 it is fine . At 20 its illegal to sleep with that person .
What I'm unsure of is if the ESRB actually re-did their ratings and did a completely new analysis of the game and decided it needed to be rated AO instead of M.

Or, if they simply said 'This was an M game, any additional content automatically makes it an AO'?

It seems to me, from what I've read, that they didn't take the 'hot coffee' mod and then re-judge the entire game to see whether or not it still deserved an M rating. It appears that all they did was decide that Rockstar, and not some unrelated party, developed the content originally. Having made that decision, they automatically claimed their previous rating as unvalid and informed retailors to remove the game.

The hypocrasy of the drugs/violence vs sex isn't even worth getting into, it's so pathetic.

Prostitutes? They're for KILLING, not SCREWING! Apparently so believes the ESRB.

I'm shocked that game stores like Gamespot would pull the game. I figured retailors like Target, Walmart, etc...
Think yourself lucky you *have* an AO rating. In Australia, the highest rating is MA15+, meaning you can't buy it unless you're over 15, unless you are accompanied by an adult.

Meaning, R18+ content (allowable in movies) can never appear in a game over here :( It's stupid that games have different classification and censorship than movies. Legislature rules that the audience for games are children, so no adult content should be allowed.
I think minor who wants to play this game, should be able too. I just don't get all the fuss about cencorship on violonce and sex. I don't find violence and sex that offensive. However I do find crappy games offensive, and an insult to me.

So they can pass up laws for censorship on bad games. GTA would be a ban base on how bad the game is in my book :devilish:
To paraphrase DL Hughley "They're F'in' it up for everybody!" Really, Rockstar is pushing it, and could cause an uproar that draws undue attention to our favorite pass time and makes the government want to intervene more. Look at how watered down TV and radio became after the Janet Jackson tit incident. We don't need that gestapo crap in the video game industry. I'm glad the ESRB acted swiftly to resolve the matter.
RancidLunchmeat said:
What I'm unsure of is if the ESRB actually re-did their ratings and did a completely new analysis of the game and decided it needed to be rated AO instead of M.

Or, if they simply said 'This was an M game, any additional content automatically makes it an AO'?

It seems to me, from what I've read, that they didn't take the 'hot coffee' mod and then re-judge the entire game to see whether or not it still deserved an M rating. It appears that all they did was decide that Rockstar, and not some unrelated party, developed the content originally. Having made that decision, they automatically claimed their previous rating as unvalid and informed retailors to remove the game.
I actually hope that they didn't replay the game with the cheats for the extra content. Doing that would be like an admission that there was a flaw in their rating system to begin with. The error was entirely on Rockstar's behalf, and they should be the only ones held accountable for it.

Other than that, I think the whole thing was totally blown out of proportion. It's nothing more than clothed dry-humping, and I'm sure these senators and their children did worse than that before they turned 18. If they had an anal fisting minigame where I could make out the wrinkles on the "receiver's" pucker, I could understand some people considering that content objectionable. At least moreso than selling drugs, but definitely not so much as killing cops.
so what's the difference between this mini-game and the God Of War sex mini games I've heard about?? The media is making a mountain out of a molehill.

July 20, 2005 - The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) today changed the rating of Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas from "M" to "AO," and in keeping with the historic maneuver, brought on by pressure from high-level politicians and watchdog groups, Rockstar etched its name in the videogame history books by halting production of the AO version of GTA: SA, is offering labels to retailers, and will be issuing a new, edited version of the game this fall to the North American market.

There is a big interview with them read the link
PARANOiA said:
Think yourself lucky you *have* an AO rating. In Australia, the highest rating is MA15+, meaning you can't buy it unless you're over 15, unless you are accompanied by an adult.

Meaning, R18+ content (allowable in movies) can never appear in a game over here :( It's stupid that games have different classification and censorship than movies. Legislature rules that the audience for games are children, so no adult content should be allowed.

this seems to me a rather backward way to look at things. i realize what you mean; in your case, video games all have to have content approved for 15 year olds -- but in America we would not accept that kind of garbage (well we used to not -- who knows -- maybe if we let kids see porn the terrorists win ;) ). if there is no rating, then that's the same as being told what can and can't be expressed. what's the point then, of even having a ratings system, or freedom of speech? the entire purpose of a ratings system is to let the fundies feel comfortable with the rest of us exercising freedom of speech. you should seriously talk to your representative about this! :p ratings systems are not the fundies' god-given method for denying free expression across the board!

ok, rant aside (poor australia!), rockstar really did go too far with this one. i love gta, but, even though hotcoffee revealed a sex scene about as hot as... iced coffee... they still left obviously sexual content in the game, right where it could be exploited. it was exploited within a WEEK of its release, wasn't it? if i had my way, we'd have no ratings systems hatsoever -- they're just a crutch for people who think they shouldn't have to learn about what their kids are interested in, IMO. but, i don't have kids yet (but i do KNOW what my kids will be interested in, and i'm not foolish enough to think a letter on a BOX is going to stop them), and as we HAVE let ourselves be shackled with these things well, it's pretty obvious Rockstar was trying to cheat, honestly. it couldn't have taken them more than an hour to remove those scenes, had they wanted to. they someone could have skinned a real mod together, and there would have been no problem. it really just makes the industry look blind and selfish to imply otherwise.
Thanks for the link. I believe Rockstar handled themselves well. This was probably meant to be a publicity stunt for the Xbox and PC version of the game, that horribly backfired. Who would have thought dry humping would cause so much hysteria?
Actually rating systems were set in place so that parents can make an informed choice with little information .

I.e they can go to a movie see the rating and what it means and make the choice if thier children are allowed to play it .

Any 10 year old can play gta 3 ao . They just can't buy it . A parent or legal guardian must .

Why ? Because the child is not of legal age .

I think its a great system . Your a minor till your 18 and thus under your parents rules . So you should need parental permission to buy the game .

Works for me .

Otherwise we shouldn't place any limits . a 10 year old should be able to buy a pack of smokes , liquer , porno , drive a car and own a gun .
london-boy said:
jvd said:
london-boy said:
Don't you get it?

Sex BAD guns GOOD shotguns BETTER.

to be fair you have to be only 14 to buy a gun in the usa . You have to be 18 to buy a porno

Exactly. That's just... sad.

eh i personaly don't care . at 14 i was already sleeping with my gf . Anyway I do feel that if your under 18 you should have your parents permision to be able to do these things .
You mean you need permission from your parents to have sex if you're under 18?!

I think this thread is more suited for the general forum by the way.