Hope for Japanese Development Practices?

Emergent gameplay isn't the same thing as non-linearity. It reflects the ability of the gamer(s) to create their own experience.
Yes, but in Shenmue you can create your own experience and finish the game following different paths, doing different tasks, etc. I know it's not exactly the same as what you are saying, and is more restricted, but it's simillar enough, IMO.

Japanese developers need to change. GTA3, Halo, Splinter Cell, and upcoming games like Deus Ex 2 and Fable are wiping the floor with Japanese games right now
How different is Deus Ex 2 going to be from the first one, as far as gameplay goes? I can also argue that this game falls into the Shenmue group where the player is quite restricted but can follow various paths, etc. GTA3 and Halo, well there's nothing quite like it from Japan. hard to compare when they simply don't make such games. Fable... let's wait and see I say. Splinter Cell, IMO falls behind MGS2 in gameplay, which is more interactive and emergent in MGS2, where you can play around with those guards, set various traps for them, exploit game rules and generally play the game in as many various styles as you want. Not to say that SC doesn't allow for that, but it just feels more forced, linear and pre-scripted.

Presentation is the wave of the future. Other than a few guys like Kojima, Japanese devs still don't get it.
Western developers are most certainly not getting it either, as their games in general have way worse and less polished presentation. That is one place where I want to see western devs improve and significantly!
Johnny Awesome said:
Thank you for remaining civil Vince. I'm beginning to like debating with you.

Bah, I must have been slipping ;)

Yes, but of those games I listed only one of them is from a DX-based PC developer - Halo. The real story is GTA3 and the continued dominance of Electronic Arts.

But, GTA3 isn't the whole story IMHO. While the dynamic gameplay is great, I'm begining to think it's the topic matter and violence more-so than the gameplay thats the main draw. So, to those I've previously debated and disagreed with, I appologize.

It's more the topic, the American public is infatuated with this gangster-image and GTA3, The Getaway (Which is big big too) are both examples of this. I'd chalk GTA3's populatity upto the plot and it's violence that closely mirrors the pop culture of our time in the US (eg. Sopranoes, The Shield, that mexican mafia type show, aswell as the continued mainstream pop-culture draw to classics like Scarface, Casino, Godfather Trilogy and Heat)

I think it's disrespectful to suggest that western developers aren't passionate about the games they make. Ubi Soft (Splinter Cell, Rayman 3) certainly care about making quality games. Rockstar are passionate about GTA3 and Bizarre Creations is passionate about Project Gotham Racing. Saying that "Japanese devs care about gameplay and gamers more than western devs" is another myth that floats about hardcore gaming circles all too often...

First off I never said "Japanese devs care about gameplay and gamers more then western devs". But I definatly think there is a Massive diffrence in the work ethic - which in most cases is directly proportional to the quality of the product.

It's a diffrent mentality and even the guy who stated this thread indirectly said it by mentioning that Japanese dev's will work for far less then their Western equivalents, for much longer periods, and in worse conditions. It's a hard thing to put your finger on, but if you've ever been around them you can tell.

70% of the Top 20 games were made in the west and it gets worse when you go into the Top 100.

Again, look at the influx of PC developers, give this a generation before opeining your mouth as such.

Emergent gameplay is the wave of the future. Presentation is the wave of the future. Other than a few guys like Kojima, Japanese devs still don't get it. And even then, people laugh at the story in MGS2. I know you love it and I'm not going to debate it's merits again, but the average gamer thought the story was ridiculous. This will have to change with MGS3 or the game isn't going to do as well as it otherwise could

The average gamer also isn't going to pick up Anarchy, State, and Utopia or any other significant philisophical work and start reading it. My guess is this and The Matrix are the most philisophical things they've ever encountered. Is it Kojima's fault if a bunch of kids who sit around on the 'net and stare at boobs can't understand the story?

Beyond this: (a) Why would he change the story? It was the same type of thing in MGS, but it didn't matter. (b) MGS3 will still sell like crazy, but he's a fool if he doesn't make it a PS3 launch title and Vince shall be pist. :devilish:

Western developers ARE taking over. The numbers prove my point. What isn't clear is why? I think it's because of the lack of emergent gameplay and a presentation that is alien to most casual US gamers.

The massive exodus of developers from the PC to Console arena has shaken up the traditionally Japanese dominated scene, yes. But, they have responded to this (eg. witness the mergers/deals) and allow this to kick-in before judging. Now, if you don't mind a lack of my immediate reponce, I'm going out to lunch to enjoy this beautiful day.
I think it has to do more with gaming becoming more mainstream in North America/Europe, and the newly indoctrinated 'Casual Gamer' will be more likely to pick up a game that reflects his/her tastes, which will more than likely be a domestic product.

I'm a different story.. every game I own, I own because I think they shine in a certain catagory, may they be multiplayer, narrative, gameplay, sound, whatever.

Lets take a look:


Final Fantasy X - Square
Virtua Figher 4 - Sega AM2
Gundam: Fed vs Zeon - Bandai (Capcom)
Metal Gear Solid 2 - Konami
Devil May Cry - Capcom
Rez - Sega UGAS
Ico - SCE

Japan 7, West 0.


Halo - Bungie
Dead or Alive 3 - Tecmo
MechAssault - MS Game Studios (Day1)
Unreal Championship - Digital Extremes
Silent Hill 2: RD - Konami
Rallisport Challenge - DiCE
MotoGP - Climax

Japan 2, West - 5

The ONLY game from Johnny's list that made it into my collection was Final Fantasy X. That goes to show that the more critical, informed gamer's tastes wont necessarily reflect the mainstreams. That said, apart from FFX, all of those top 20 games I didnt feel were worth owning.

Blah its 7am and I lost track of where I was going with this. Rez/ICO rule, GTA drools! Or something.
Since the topic is the success or failure in the marketplace, our tastes don't matter in the slightest. My collection is filled with Japanese games. I'm probably going to buy a PS2 just for ICO, Rez, and Space Channel 5 v2, but that doesn't mean anything in the grand scheme of things.

I'm not saying that Japanese devs are doomed, but that they are currently falling behind their western counterparts in sales. The trend right now is obvious and Japanese devs are going to have to do something major to stop their bloodletting. I have faith that they'll stem the flow and do no worse than their percentage of the marketplace (20%) from here on out, but I'd be very surprised if they ever returned to dominance again.

Vince, I'll take you at your word that you've officially changed your stance about GTA3's gameplay being the main draw. I disagree, considering that plenty of games are violent. It's the freedom that attracts casual gamers IMO.
This is quite normal japanese behavior.....
According to Su Mi Park Daahlgarrd, japanese mentality is something like this.

Realise you're infierior.
Copy who is superior.
Become a master.

I would suspect the japanese softcos are in phase one of 'new game development models' right now. But I'm sure they will improve.
tuna said:
This is quite normal japanese behavior.....
According to Su Mi Park Daahlgarrd, japanese mentality is something like this.

Realise you're infierior.
Copy who is superior.
Become a master.

I would suspect the japanese softcos are in phase one of 'new game development models' right now. But I'm sure they will improve.

At least, they realise they can improve :)

I've just noticed that the last games I bought for my ps2 were western games, but since they are Sony produced, are they really western ??

I've just noticed that the last games I bought for my ps2 were western games, but since they are Sony produced, are they really western ??

Yes IMO. I mean, Rare games were pretty much all published by Nintendo. But that doesn't make them Japanese games.
I'm not saying that Japanese devs are doomed, but that they are currently falling behind their western counterparts in sales. The trend right now is obvious and Japanese devs are going to have to do something major to stop their bloodletting. I have faith that they'll stem the flow and do no worse than their percentage of the marketplace (20%) from here on out, but I'd be very surprised if they ever returned to dominance again.

I don't think there's much one can do in this regard... At least to an extent. I don't think it's so much of Japanese studios floundering, than it is local content providers (i.e. North American gamedevs) simply stepping up and filling the demand for content that's aimed at their local audience.

It would be like if NA devs were dominating the scene in Japan and as well as at home, then suddenly saying they're doomed because Japanese devs started dominating their local market because they could provide content that was more appealing to local tastes...

3 parts of why the Japanese industry is struggling, by hardcore gamers living in Japan. Ouch! :oops:

IMHO, Japanese developers should stop striving to be B grade movie producer and make fun games.

For instance ZOE2 was pretty cool, whatever fragmented part of gameplay it has. In a 1hour session, tt has like 10mins of game, 5mins of cutscene and repeat. I rather i have 50mins of unobstructed gameplay and 10mins of cool cutscenes.

Oh i guess, it is just the cultural differences. ;)
Did you even read the thread? Or did you not realise those links were already posted by somebody else?

3 parts of why the Japanese industry is struggling, by hardcore gamers living in Japan. Ouch!

I think 'hardcore' gamer would be a disservice... The developer status of two of them (one of whom I've even met) give more insight that would a 'hardcore gamer'.

Regardless they *are* simply opinions giving an introspective look of their field (and taking a rather microscopic look), that ignore a large amount of external factors to begin with. IMO the most significant observation was Dylan's view of the need for more information sharing in dev newsgroups (which I've mentioned the lack of several times here).

IMHO, Japanese developers should stop striving to be B grade movie producer and make fun games.

I can tell you right now, most 'developers' are more interesting in paying bills and getting a decent night's sleep...