Holy sh**! BitTorrent eats up 35% of internet traffic!

Pffft, my wife checks out porn too...it's just human nature.

Besides, like _xxx_ we've had some pleasent surprises getting adventurous after getting an idea from something more than a few times.
Guden Oden said:
Yeah, I saw that yesterday and was actually making a post here about it when I inadvertently pressed ctrl-w instead of alt-w to do a nice weblink and the browser window promptly closed without warning! AAACCKKK!
Of course if you used a decent web-browser like Opera you could just press CTRL-ALT-Z and undo closing the window :) In fact, with Opera, you also retain a history of all windows opened and closed in a session and can re-open any of them, complete with all history. You can also shut down the browser and have the option to restart it exactly where you last left off, complete with all windows you had open. You can also save browser sessions and restart any historical session. Just so you know :)
Those are convincing arguments... I will definitely take them under consideration (though I'd prefer a free option of course, heh). I've been burnt enough times by typing a long post on some board and accidentally hitting the back button on my mouse, thus erasing all my efforts. Does Opera retain all contents of text boxes ALWAYS? That's my biggest gripe with IE, that it tends to have forgotten any changes when I immediately forwards to the page I just left.
Diplo said:
Guden Oden said:
Yeah, I saw that yesterday and was actually making a post here about it when I inadvertently pressed ctrl-w instead of alt-w to do a nice weblink and the browser window promptly closed without warning! AAACCKKK!
Of course if you used a decent web-browser like Opera you could just press CTRL-ALT-Z and undo closing the window :) In fact, with Opera, you also retain a history of all windows opened and closed in a session and can re-open any of them, complete with all history. You can also shut down the browser and have the option to restart it exactly where you last left off, complete with all windows you had open. You can also save browser sessions and restart any historical session. Just so you know :)

note - you can do the same thing with firefox and the "tabbed browsing extension".
Only thing I use bittorent for is TV shows. I find it easier to download them, because they can be had in HD, and have zero comercials. Downloading TV shows isnt illegal is it.. since its practically the same as recording them?
Heh I must have a guilty conscious or something. When and if I download porn I always delete after I am done watching it. :?
Did anyone bother to read up who said this? its by a company that sells P2P caching technology jeeze I wonder if they are biased.
ChrisRay said:
Heh I must have a guilty conscious or something. When and if I download porn I always delete after I am done watching it. :?
You just don't want to get caught by your friends!
fallguy said:
Only thing I use bittorent for is TV shows. I find it easier to download them, because they can be had in HD, and have zero comercials. Downloading TV shows isnt illegal is it.. since its practically the same as recording them?
Actually I don't think it is legal, but it isn't at all enforced and as you say it IS practically the same as recording it.

A bit of a grey area still, but I wouldn't be calling it "legal" yet.

(SIDENOTE: Hey, I am NOT knocking you for doing it, just pointing out that you shouldn't consider it perfectly legal. I do it too a lot and don't plan on changing that anytime soon, but mostly just for fun anymore. I can actually download and watch new shows BEFORE they premiere in my area this way.)
What is the common format/resolution and where do you go to find a good repository?

I've searched a little bit and found not-a-whole-lot.
RussSchultz said:
What is the common format/resolution and where do you go to find a good repository?

I've searched a little bit and found not-a-whole-lot.
On porn or TV shows? :| I don't think we're allowed to post the links here since most of them also have other "questionable" material...but I'll be happy to PM ya a few if you like.

Format is generally .mpg or .avi, resolution can vary dramatically but I generally good 640x480 shows with a slew of HDTV rips coming down. (Half the time anymore I download shows rather than record them because I can download better quality than my TV can give me. ;) )
Sage said:
_xxx_ said:
Sage said:
_xxx_ said:
I have about 300+ myself. And a girlfriend which is also a fan 8)

i dont get why people need porn if they already have a girl friend. i mean... girlfriends are like your own personal porn machines!

A whole bunch of new ideas come up. And high quality porn always makes you horny ;)

In the beginning it was often like:
She: "Wow, I didn't even know this is possible!"
Me: "M-hmm. Like to try it?"
...the rest is history :D

heh, i dont need all that fancy stuff. just let me rub (and i dont mean my hand) on a fully-clothed leg and that'll do it for me..


Guden Oden said:
Does Opera retain all contents of text boxes ALWAYS?
Yep, it does! I know what you mean about IE forgetting; I've been burnt by that in the past, too :) Opera has a better cacheing model where it retains the last few pages you visited in RAM so you can instantly zip back and forth.
RussSchultz said:
What is the common format/resolution

If you mean TV shows, I've seen most varieties of codecs, including MPEG, MPEG4, divx, xvid, wmv9 etc... As long as you have a decent set of codecs installed you won't have any problems. :)

and where do you go to find a good repository?
