So basically HotS is better balanced and more user friendly, removing intra-team competition, is that right ?
(It matches what my LoL/dota friends are telling me.)
Yes, it free's up your team members to do what they need to do without having to make sacrifices to do it. A support doesn't have to sacrifice gold farming to the carries, for example, as there is no gold. The same goes for EXP because all EXP is shared team wide. In pub games, that could lead to that intra-team competition and even griefing, but doesn't really exist in organized team play (although resource management is still required as there is a finite quantity of EXP/Gold per minute available).
It significantly simplifies the game, but in doing so, also removes much of the strategy involved in many MOBAs. For example, there is no need to last hit. It's also not possible to deny a kill to the enemy team (killing your own minion/structure to reduce how much EXP/gold the opposing team gets from it). Character builds are far more limited. Etc.
As I said, it's a fantastic introduction to the MOBA genre. You'll get to pick up some of the basics (skill management, movement of character and camera, lane basics, etc.) with simplified game mechanics. As a result it's less confusing/intimidating to start for new players and games are also significantly shorter.
And for gamers that appreciate/play the more advanced MOBAs like DOTA or LoL, it's a nice casual relaxing experience (although some still take it ultra seriously