Health of Hair in Games *split hairs*

I must admit even when I had GPUs where I could enable this stuff I wasn't enamoured of the look, especially the fur stuff it always made animals look like they were about to parade for the judges at Crufts with lovely fluffy manes. I found the traditional textures often grounded the model in the game world better than the better looking fur tech, I hesitate to point to the water buffalo in the GIF from Far Cry 4 as I'm sure GIF encoding is at least partially responsible for why the hair shader buffalo looks like a stippled mess.

Edit: What I will point to is the fur on the buffalo's stomach, the hair shader has it as beautiful fluffy strands waving under their belly whereas the texture has them looking matted and dirty as they should do for an animal that spends a decent chunk of it's day half submerged in muck

Salon works ON
Sorry Haven't found a proper topic but but as this is related to hairwork technology ad new consoles and next gen features are coming I wished we would see more of this " fur " , " hair " physics for next gen. I remember Nvidia having this exclusive hairwork technology but I wished it was not exclusive.
We have seen lots of good exemples like Alloy Hair in HZD. and I hope we will see more of this for the next upcoming next gen games.
The last game which featured such a great " fur " " hair " effect, I saw was the black myth wukong trailer with the wolf (last gif)



IIRC Unreal Engine 4 added TressFX in one of it's point releases. I think that's what Wukong is using.
I have to wonder if things like hair and fluid will end up getting handed over to DL to approximate in a more top-down way rather than a full bottom-up simulation that is unlikely to ever justify the performance hit when you scale it up to millions of physics elements.
"Footage recorded in real-time, on next-generation consoles."

So nice! Yes, some things must improve (real-life hair is not so perfect, it doesn't move that way, etc.), but I really, REALLY hope that this becomes a standard rather than just a curiosity in one or two games.