HD-DVD is teh winner!!!

Dave Baumann said:
Read my sig! :devilish:

[Edit] Hold up...

Read mine!!! :LOL: Had it for months and I'm still not sure if it means that capitalists are all wankers........ Or maybe i'm just reading too much into it...
london-boy said:
Read mine!!! :LOL: Had it for months and I'm still not sure if it means that capitalists are all wankers........
It's not capitalisation but punctuation that matters!!!
Simon F said:
It's not capitalisation but punctuation that matters!!!

I thought it meant masturbation was what really matters...?

Confused now. I might really change my sig to MuFu's suggestion:

MuFu said:

Hmm, that article seems to be suggesting that High def DVD is goint to remain just for Videophiles.
I don't think that people will be happy seeing lovely sharp images on normal TV and then watching a dvd with lower res video.

My feeling is that people want high-def primarily for watching films/dvd's. And that high-def for broadcast is secondary for most people.

Captain Chickenpants said:
Nope. We are NTL and our landlord doesn't want a satellite dish on the house.

Ouch. I might be in the same situation, which would mean i'd be stuck with Telewest and their still unclear HD programming...

Then again, i was overdrawn a week after pay day so i won't be looking to pay for any of those services anyway :LOL:
Telewest are part of NTL now, and there were rumours of an multi-tuner HD PVR set-top system coming from NTL at some point, however I've not heard anything about that recently.

Curiously, though, Wiki indicates that Telewest already carry HD broadcasts:


The UK's first HDTV service began on 2 December 2005 when Telewest, a cable TV company now part of NTL, distributed HDTV programs to 400 customers in the south London area. On 10 March 2006 NTL confirmed that HDTV was available nationally in the former Telewest areas
Dave Baumann said:
Telewest are part of NTL now, and there were rumours of an multi-tuner HD PVR set-top system coming from NTL at some point, however I've not heard anything about that recently.

Curiously, though, Wiki indicates that Telewest already carry HD broadcasts:


Telewest has HD programs (or should i say, program. one if we're lucky) already through TVDrive, which is their "high-end" set top box with recording capabilities. The programs are on-demand material.

So yes, they already have HD capabilities, and much earlier than Sky too, but sadly there are just no channels to get HD from. Only SkyHD will have a decent choice of HD channels and programs for the time being.

There are rumours that Telewest will get SkyHD channels as Sky is legally bound to do whatever is needed so that Telewest customers will also get SkyMoviesHD and all those, but it's not clear when it will actually happen...

It's all a big mess...
From doom9 news:

April 1, 2006

HD DVD was launched early. Yesterday, the first HD DVD players were being sold in Japan and a reader managed to grab one and two discs, and he was not pleased. I haven't managed to get any details yet as to which codec was used and if the disc was single layer or double layer, but 1080i content encoded with MPEG-2 to a single layer HD DVD would indeed be a disaster.. two times the space for 4 times the amount of pixels - you do the math.

Anyone got more news on the movie quality?
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It sure looks like HD DVD is gaining grounds but blu-ray isn't out of the woods yet, especially if the PS3 sells well. One of them needs to go either way, two formats just doesn't work. But than I'm not really interested in either as well due to the DRM and increased prices.
"Teh win" will come from the first company to give me a combo drive. As much I like serenity, I don't like it enough for $534+ tax :)
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Malkovich! Malkovich... Malkovich Malkovich: Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich Malkovich.
Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich!!!