The open beta is out now.
I've been playing a bit but don't like this game. Basically it's pay to win. The matchmaking system is worthless, pretty much everybody gets dropped in the same game and with a default mech your not gonna win against people with upgraded weapons. I won the second game I entered but only because everybody was a low level and thus didn't have any upgrades.
Controlls aren't great either. You get stuck a lot (your driving a freakin' mech, why can't it walk over it??) and the whole doding thing, I don't know how it works. Seems more like luck than skill. Also turret movement is way to slow. If you get assault from behind your screwed because turning takes forever. There is some kind of instant turn move but that only seems to work when you don't want it.
The only map I like is in the dessert, enough open space and not tons of levels with smallish corridors like on the other maps.
All in all I'm not impressed at all. Maps suck and game balance is unfair.