Have any commercial games been released recently with non-textured polygons?


Great Member
If so I'm interested to find out more about them. And by recently I mean within the past few years.
Does modern hardware even allow to omit texture mapping, instead of using a 1px texture to get the same effect?
The last hw I can remember which needed to have texturing enabled was the Nvidia TNT...
Though certainly a lot more hardware had the same performance with (single) texturing enabled vs. no texturing at all.
Though nowadays it should be faster in theory again with no texturing, for instance with r600 and up you need separate tex clauses for texture fetches.
Not sure what you mean with flat polygons, flat shaded? Interpolation also consumes alu cycles these days, so flatshading should be faster.
As for games released not using texturing, I'd say that's a "No".
There's no reason why you shouldn't be able to omit texturing on modern hardware if you really wanted to. Given that we're dealing with programmable shading as a matter of course these days, you could just as easily write a fragment program that does no texture reads at all. Though texturing is natively available always (i.e. you don't have to turn it on per se), you don't actually have to use it.

As for, if anything has released in recent years without texturing... outside of games that do some 3d on mobile devices, I don't think you'll find it. And even then, I'm not sure, as 3d gfx on mobile games didn't really pick up until the hardware advanced to the point of being very feature-rich (DX10 level).
This is production I last time saw flat shaded polygons used on a significant scale. It's OpenGL 1.1 and mostly graphics effects are corrupted on newer OS's and graphics cards. So when you eventually watch it don't be surprised by the 'black screen' effects :) There should be some awesome stuff showing there with old enough setups :devilish:
Anyway it's DEMO not a game, but that's what I could think of from 'recent' years.

H-Life - released at Gravity 1999 / Poland [coded by my friend Spy]

After some thinking I figured Rez HD /Xbox 360 game is the most recent production with (mostly) flat shaded 3D.

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ShootMyMonkey used to have a funny boss he'd tell us stories about, his boss liked chrome. ;)

Oh yeah I remember now. I think I read few a few of them in the legendary threads part of the forum. I didn't read that one though...

If I were his boss (which is entirely possible, you never know) I would have asked him if Chrome looked better on a white guy, a hispanic guy or a black guy. Of course seeing as SMM is black he would be the perfect guy to ask.

(hoping that we gets another story!) ;)
If I were his boss (which is entirely possible, you never know) I would have asked him if Chrome looked better on a white guy, a hispanic guy or a black guy. Of course seeing as SMM is black he would be the perfect guy to ask.
Ummm... I'm Indian.

The first programmer he originally hired (the one who actually interviewed me before the "Do you speak English" interview) was black. The quote about "black guy who's not selling drugs" was when we were interviewing someone else.

And btw, I do plan to supply some more goodness for that thread soon.
Ummm... I'm Indian.

The first programmer he originally hired (the one who actually interviewed me before the "Do you speak English" interview) was black. The quote about "black guy who's not selling drugs" was when we were interviewing someone else.

And btw, I do plan to supply some more goodness for that thread soon.

Ohhhhh man that would rock!
Ummm... I'm Indian.

The first programmer he originally hired (the one who actually interviewed me before the "Do you speak English" interview) was black. The quote about "black guy who's not selling drugs" was when we were interviewing someone else.

And btw, I do plan to supply some more goodness for that thread soon.

Sorry about the geneologoy and geographic origin mixup. :LOL: But yeah im looking forward to hearing some more.
I'm pretty sure I remember reading about a Tron game from within the last decade that didn't use any textures.
heres a question
lets say a game if you dont add textures to a model what does it show up as or does it show up at all
heres a question
lets say a game if you dont add textures to a model what does it show up as or does it show up at all

Since the stone age of cg, you had the option to specify a color-per-vertex to be interpolated across the polygon. You could even just specify a constant, flat color if you wanted to be as simple as possible.

Today you can calculate lots of crazy values in the vertex shader, interpolated them across the polygon, then use them to feed a crazy pixel shader to make interesting colors. Unfortunately, it sucks down a ton of horsepower to do anything interesting. It's almost always faster to just read a texel.