Has anyone else had a pet bitten by viper?

You'd be correct, there are no fjords here and indeed lots and lots of lakes. Norway took the brunt of the ice-age. I don't know of any parrot species in Sweden, never heard of one in Norway either though so who knows :p

Norway is like our buffer zone in general, after Brittain, and they get more rain and high winds and we get more sun. Not a big fan of Norway aside from their abundance of fish, can't understand what most of them say. Same with Danish, make up your own language! Every other nation around Sweden has like fun made up languages that sound really really awesome, appart from Norway and Denmark who just thought they'd fuck up some swedish and add some accent to it hehe
Youve never heard of the norweigan blue ? Lovely plumage!
maybe its not suprising though, they do not move very far from their normal habitat
as they have a tendancy to pine for the fjords
they also stun easily and are the only parrot that prefers to sleep on its back (possibly the reason its quite famous)
This is the one I saw a few weeks ago when I was in Sweden for a wedding. It's not so big (but smaller is more dangerous according to my aunt who works in a hospital in Norway, they spend all their venom at once, learn to dose it only when they get bigger)


I actually also have a short but sweet movie I made with the same camera, which I'll upload a little later.
They're cute though arn't they, vipers? I almost sat on one once, totally unexpected since it was spring and still snow out! Came crawling from between me and a rockside under my styrofoam seat (dunno what the heck they're called) and was totally amazing, just minding it's own buisness going "Sup dudes? gonna go over here now."

A bird that sleeps on it's back... i seriously almost fell to the floor when i read that. All i know now is that i want one!
Phew, but at the same time kinda scary thinking about everyone over 40 who do...

We don't have talking slugs in Sweden, we have KILLER SLUGS!
snakes make a fine meal especially if cooked over an open flame. Just make sure to remove the heads and guts. Yummay.