london-boy said:
ok, so, it's too hurt to fly but he can "run"??? so much for coherence

just kidding....
Yeah, it's wings are damaged. Wings are a a lot thinner and flimsier than thick scaly legs. Coherence?
i mean, as i said, PDO is a feast for the eyes, although i never "played" it (not like i'm missing much but i digress), still it's no ART. sorry guys. ICO is "close" to ART.
I think you should actually play it before confidently passing jusdgement on it. Even just seeing it through (something you don't appear to have done either) isn't enough. You have to actually play a game to really feel it (something I'm sure you can appreciate form Ico), especially when the feel of what you're controlling is at the core of the whole experience.
On a more general note, I don't think it's terribly useful trying to draw a line where something is "art" and where something isn't in what is basically a creative indusrty anyway. All games have some artistic value, but some games have more emphasis placed on said artistry than others. And of course, different levels of talent and inspiration in those responsible for creating it and managing its direction and integrity have a big effect on the outcome too.
If I had to pick any game out there where the artistry of the game was at the core of the experience, it would be the Panzer Dragoon games above anything else that I've ever seen. And that includes Ico.
They both take different approaches to drawing in and holding the player, which is perhaps what some people (on both sides of the fan equation) mistake for one being art, and the other not.