Happy Australia Day


Retarded moron
Remember that you must have an Aussie BBQ, anything else is un-Australian.

Remember, we don't want to become like the Americans or New Zealanders.

'Liberating' countries is for tyrants.
Making love to sheep is against the laws of nature.

Yet doesn't "Austrailia Day" just commemorate the first British Settlers' arrival, and thus the beginnings of a genocidal purge, liberating the aborigines from their land, and in many cases, their lives?
Clashman said:
Yet doesn't "Austrailia Day" just commemorate the first British Settlers' arrival, and thus the beginnings of a genocidal purge, liberating the aborigines from their land, and in many cases, their lives?

That's what some people prefer to believe.
Then again American's did the same and they were from Europe.

I'm attacking current American policy and the people's support for it. Not what had happened hundred+ years ago.

Australia day is about strengthening our resolve to making our future a better place.
K.I.L.E.R said:
Remember that you must have an Aussie BBQ, anything else is un-Australian.
As it's near freezing outside today, I won't be having a barbie. I did, however, bring some ANZAC biscuits in to work so that will have to do.
Oi, you guys have more sheep than us!
And at least we can spell beer and dont have to put XXXX on our cans.
Oh and we dont wear trousers to short for us all the time like you guys do so you can keep your brains cool :p
K.I.L.E.R said:
Remember that you must have an Aussie BBQ, anything else is un-Australian.

Remember, we don't want to become like the Americans or New Zealanders.

'Liberating' countries is for tyrants.
Making love to sheep is against the laws of nature.


Grouping Amreicans with New Zealanders probably isn`t fair :p
K.I.L.E.R said:
Remember that you must have an Aussie BBQ, anything else is un-Australian.

Remember, we don't want to become like the Americans or New Zealanders.

'Liberating' countries is for tyrants.
Making love to sheep is against the laws of nature.

Yeah, but Aussies are all from convict stock and thus are geneticly disposed to breaking the law, be it the laws of man or nature. :)

Also need I remind our trans-Tasman brothers as to whose nation _is_ a member of the 'Coallition of the Willing'? :)
banksie said:
Yeah, but Aussies are all from convict stock and thus are geneticly disposed to breaking the law, be it the laws of man or nature. :)
And in time-honoured B3D tradition, I now quote "The Princess Bride":
"Iocain powder comes from Australia and everyone knows all Australians are criminals!!

Happy Australia Day to Rickey Ponting and his team, Lewten Hewwit and John Howard.... :D and KILER, SF and other aussies... :)