Happy 4th

ta, I got some Bio-Oil which has Vit.A&E, apparently it's good for scars thus I bought it.

Mytheory is that wipinmg it on has more effect than the vita,mmin E.

I had a huge scar and it is almost gone, my wife just rubbed it every nighjt.

Surgery went well supposedly, 2 pins, repaired ligament. Numb arm, and addled head.
Damn, hope you feeling ok now. :)

2 pins? Got x-rays :) would be kewl to see.

My wrists are still sore, not painful mind you but sore although the swellings gone. Eye's completely open now and can't wait to get the stitches out on Monday.
This is at the e-room. You can't see the more serious break (It is where red arrow is). Obscured b/c they couldn't get hand flat for x-ray.

I don't have any new ones aftr the pins. I must also say I wish it were still numb. The pain was incredible last night, evenh w/ 2 prcoset. Was awake until 4:40am. The weird part is some was imaginary I think from nerve block wearing off.


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Damn, you can check the swelling.

Damn glad i'm not you and happy I didn't need surgery.

Hope you get well soon though, I know that pain feeling and hate it something mad. What painkillers they give you? My doctor gave Myprodol although I can't say if they are prescribed outside my country. They worked wonders imo.
Hope you get well soon though, I know that pain feeling and hate it something mad. What painkillers they give you? My doctor gave Myprodol although I can't say if they are prescribed outside my country. They worked wonders imo.

Sry percoset is the name brand, it is oxycodone+acetaminophen I think. The pain has lessened already some. 2 more days I think and then it should be more bearable.